Known Card Bugs Update

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I noticed that the Known Card Bugs page was out of date, so I went through most of the bugs on that page and wanted to share my findings. The list here goes in the same order as the Known Card Bugs page for easy reference. For the bugs that do still exist, I reproduced a new game ID since many of the old games would not load in the current client version

Renaissance bugs

  • Black Market/Storyteller: This bug still exists. Load game #51518791 as crlundy, play Black Market, and try to buy Hoard.
  • Herbalist/Capitalism: This bug still exists. Load game #51518886 as crlundy, click End Buys, and choose to topdeck Herbalist.
  • Scepter/bot: I did not test the bot bugs.
  • Star Chart/Fleet: This bug still exists. Load game #51519080 as crlundy, click End Actions, and buy an Estate.
  • Crown/Villager: I was unable to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51519332 as crlundy, play Bounty Hunter and Exile a Copper, and observe you enter your Buy phase.

Specific card bugs

  • –$1 Token: This bug still exists. Load game #51517961 as crlundy and try to Autobuy a Silver.
  • Aqueduct: I was not able to reproduce these bugs. For the gaining a Victory card bug, load game #51518177 as crlundy and buy a Crumbling Castle. For the gaining a Treasure card bug, load game #51518313 as crlundy and buy Farmers' Market.
  • Basilica: This bug still exists. Load game #51517656 as crlundy and buy a Duchy. Observe you are not asked to choose whether to resolve Basilica or Haggler (gaining a Flag Bearer and Innovating it for +$2) first.
  • Blessed Village: This bug still exists. Load game #51517181 as crlundy, choose to receive The Field's Gift now, then play out your next turn and observe at the end of that turn that The Field's Gift is discarded.
  • Colonnade: This bug still exists. Load game #51518708 as crlundy and buy a Poor House.
  • Crown: This bug still exists. Load game #51516886 as crlundy, then choose to replay the Crown on Copper.
  • Defiled Shrine: This bug still exists. Load game #51516610 as crlundy and buy Farmers' Market.
  • Ducat: This bug still exists. Load game #51516420 as crlundy, then try to repay only 3 Debt without playing Ducat.
  • Duplicate: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51512826 as crlundy and observe the log for the previous turn, showing you discarded your called Duplicate.
  • Fleet: This bug still exists. Load game #48224803 as cailan and observe the order of the Fleet turns.
  • Fool: This bug still exists. Load game #51516121 as crlundy and observe that you cannot directly play an Action card from your hand. In addition to Lost in the Woods, this bug can also be expanded to include Silos and Crop Rotation.
  • Governor: This bug still exists. Load game #51516042 as crlundy, choose Trash & Gain, and observe you must trash a card.
  • Graverobber: I did not test the bot bugs.
  • Hamlet: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51512886 as crlundy and click Discard for Buy.
  • Haunted Castle: See Aqueduct.
  • Herbalist: I did not test the bot bugs.
  • Inheritance: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51515834 as crlundy and observe the Estates in the Supply, in play, in hand, and on top of your discard pile all cost $0.
  • Inn: I did not test the Possession bugs.
  • Lost in the Woods: See Fool.
  • Magic Lamp: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51515611 as crlundy and play Crown on the Magic Lamp.
  • Mining Village: I did not test the bot bugs.
  • Mint: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For the Haggler example, load game #51515535 as crlundy and buy Mint.
  • Possession: I did not test the Possession bugs.
  • Prince: I was not able to reproduce these bugs. It appears that the fix was having Prince sets aside its card before any other Clean-up phase effects can happen. Note this introduces a new bug; see below.
  • Royal Carriage: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51513720 as crlundy, and call Royal Carriage on the Farming Village. You are then unable to call another Royal Carriage.
  • Sauna: I was not able to reproduce this bug. Autobuy no longer triggers Sauna trashing.
  • Scepter: See Crown.
  • Scheme: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51514993 as crlundy and you cannot choose the Wharf played this turn for Scheme.
  • Small Castle: This bug still exists. Load game #51514933 as crlundy and play Small Castle.
  • Stonemason: This bug still exists. Load game #51514049 as crlundy and observe there is no way to overpay $1.
  • Temple: I did not test the bot bugs.
  • Urchin: I was not able to reproduce this bug. For example, load game #51514771 as crlundy and play Swindler.
  • Villa: This bug still exists. For the Peddler example, load game #51514049 as crlundy and overpay for a Villa.
  • Zombie Spy: This bug still exists. Load game #51514446 as crlundy, then choose to play Zombie Spy (without using Way of the Camel).

I also noticed that some more recent bug reports were not including on the Known Card Bugs page.

  • Inn: When you gain an Inn from the trash, the client UI only lets you choose one copy of each differently named card to shuffle in. Load game #51519498 as crlundy, choose to gain the Inn, and then try to shuffle in multiple Lurkers.
  • Prince: If you Prince a Traveller, and choose to exchange that Traveller, Prince will instead set it aside and force you to play at the start of every turn. There is no way to choose to exchange it before it is set aside, to break its connection to Prince. Load game #51515376 as crlundy, then click End Buys and choose to exchange the Treasure Hunter.
  • Villagers: During your Action phase, if the only thing you can do is spend Villagers, you are not given a chance to spend them and instead your Buy phase automatically beings. Load game #51520215 as crlundy, reveal a Province, gain Diadem, and then observe you do not get a chance to spend Villagers for Diadem.
  • Way of the Mouse: If Way of the Mouse sets aside a Duration card, then when you play a Duration card using Way of the Mouse it is discarded the same turn. Load game #51519797 as crlundy, play a Lighthouse using Way of the Mouse (Cargo Ship), set aside cards, and then observe that Lighthouse is not in play at the start of your next turn.


Thanks for doing that. I didn't find the energy to go through them all myself.  :-[

I'll work through your list and update the known card bugs page step by step.


No problem, and I'm happy to help! I figured it might have been daunting. :)

And of course just because I wasn't able to reproduce a bug doesn't mean it doesn't still exist in some obscure scenario. But I usually tried a couple times to reproduce those bugs, to be more sure.


Honest question: does Shuffleit not use an internal issue tracking software to track bugs with priority, etc?

If no, well, I guess I'm just not going to address that other than to say that they should and it's very alarming.

If yes, then having a forum post here detailing all of the unfixed bugs isn't the most professional thing in the world, but there are much better ways of letting users know what known issues exist and are being worked on -- automatically generated reports that are just much more accurate.