Scepter + new Allies action cards?

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Game: 97099970, Turn 15

I had played the action card Contract earlier this turn.  Then, later, I played Scepter.  This should allow me to play any action card that was still in play, right?  Which, I think, should include Contract.  (This Contract card that has been played does appear to be highlighted.  But clicking on it did nothing.)

Do not yet know if Scepter will refuse to play all Allies cards, or if this is peculiar to Contracts only.


Contract is not an Action card, it is the first (natural) Treasure - Duration card. That means it's not eligible to be played with Scepter.

It has the golden Border that indicates that there is/are some card(s) associated with it. For Contract, that means you put an Action card aside to be played next turn. It works similar for cards like Gear or Archive, that have cards set aside for their own purpose.


Oh, crap.  Brain fart.  Of course you are right.

(senior moment??)   >:( :( :P