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We will try to keep this thread updated with all the changes.

This thread is locked, but you can discuss it here


Another release at the end of (our) day.

The old environment is also still up, and you can finish your games on that one.
Once you reload the page you will be connected to the new release.

A lot of small fixes, and the most notable one is that the "auto-buy" feature is now by default gone.
If you liked it, go to user preferences to re-enable it.


A new release today. If you're still on the old release, reload your page.
(We try to leave the old one up for another 24 hours so people can finish their games).

Some bugfixes and in-game improvements but the main focus has been the redesign of the lobby.
It should be a lot easier to find the games you want to find now. You can manage your own friends, there is an automatcher (although everyone's rating is fixed at 50) and there is a tab 'familiar cards'.

If you want to play with everything make sure to visit the 'familiar cards' tab, because the default rules will generate you kingdoms with at most 2 unfamiliar cards.


We are a bit suspicious of the 'familiar cards' tab. If it has long loading times for you, could you please let us know?


Another release with fixes for...

- kingdom selector
- table list now gets cleaned up
- 10 cards from base set are always familiar
- selecting first player


Just did a new release. Most notable differences:

* We started working on undo settings.
  - on some future day there will be 5 settings: NEVER, ASK, ALWAYS, ONLY_WITHOUT_NEW_INFO, ASK_WITH_NEW_INFO
  - in todays release, all games are with the setting "ASK"
  - in tomorrows release you will be able to choose between "NEVER", "ASK" and "ALWAYS"
* You can now timeout. If you wait for 5 minutes, opponents get the option to resign you.


Version 1.0.4

  • When you're already logged in and try to log in again, the old session is automatically kicked.
  • Long-press on tablets enlarges any card for closer study.
  • Drag and drop reordering has been implemented for touch devices.
  • Separate error messages for "Illegal username" and "Illegal password".
  • Golem into Sentry no longer freezes.


Version 1.0.5

  • "Good Match" will no longer accept people whose familiar cards settings are very restrictive compared to yours.
  • Colony/Shelters choices from kingdom selector weren't always used.
  • Reconnecting to a game now has an option to cancel the reconnect (this means you no longer need "Kick & Resign")
  • Selecting/deselecting expansions in the kingdom selector fixed.
  • Trader with an empty hand no longer freezes the game


Version 1.0.6

  • Spectator join/leave messages are now hidden from players when they can't see spectator chat.
  • Fixed a regression that caused the undo bullets in the log to not work.
  • The Kick & Resign option has been removed from the login page.
  • Attempting to log in with a non-existent username no longer leaves you at the endlessly spinning castle.
  • In the clean-up planner, clicking an already selected option will no longer toggle the selection.


Version 1.0.7.x

  • Choosing only expansions you're unfamiliar with no longer generates an empty kingdom.
  • Undoing or reconnecting to a Black Market/Sentry reveal now shows the cards.
  • Block new undo attempts when a granted undo request is being processed.


Version 1.0.8.x

  • Ghost tables busted.
  • Empty piles can now be named after undo/reconnect.
  • New default rule that always allows friends of table host to become players (even if rating would suggest otherwise).
  • Most of the [Object object] nonsense at the table rules display should be gone.
  • Kick & Resign is back by popular demand.


Version 1.0.9 (sorry for posting these late)

Fixes for several gamelog issues:

  • Farmland asks you to gain a card costing "Argument0".
  • Workshop tells you that you may gain even though it's compulsory.
  • "GAIN_BY_NAME" shows in log when choosing when to gain Curse for Swamp Hag or a Gold for Hoard.
  • Wine Merchant brings up "You END_OF_BUY_PHASE and..."
  • Endgame tally of VP is wrong for variable VP cards.
  • Name abbreviations are wrong when one player name is an initial part of the other.


Version 1.0.10

  • Added Russian language support.
  • All connections now go via port 443, which should help with firewall and proxy issues.
  • Fixed the supply sometimes getting stuck after a settings change.


Version 1.0.11.x

Shelter selection
  bug occurred when changing Shelter type from Yes/No to Random in "Select Kingdom Cards". After change and go back to game, it would behave as if it didn't change.

Shelter/Conoly selection visibility
  Now it shows the colonies and shelter rules set by table owner to other players at the table.

(Dis)allowing spectators
  Fixed the bug when changing the table rule "Allow spectators". It wouldn't set it correctly. Now it should work and show the value to opponent.

View Trash
  button added above log for visual representation, remove trash string from gamelog.

  Various corrections and improvements.

Version error messages
  Return to login screen after version error.


Version 1.1.0
new feature: load old game. More about this feature here.

new button: add bot
Bots are no longer automatically added to tables. It caused too many misclicks/confusion.

card fixes:

  • BoM/overlord now copies name and types correctly
  • if BoM/overlord is already not-in-play, it allows you to play it as a card without becoming that card
  • mining village when already trashed no longer freezes
  • engineer when already trashed no longer asks
  • vault on empty hand
  • golem into envoy+something, choose envoy first (used to freeze game)
  • mystic shuffle/guess order
  • taxman gain/discard order
  • inn on-gain decisions when not gained by active player
  • conspirator used to count opponents caravan guard
(this should fix all known BoM/overlord issues, except for Overlord-as-BoM, which is still bugged)

interface fixes:

  • Added text input field to name any card.
  • Fixed a race condition that caused the endgame screen to sometimes not load and the /bg chat command to sometimes not work.
  • Update trash view when its content changes while it's open.
  • First player table rule is replaced by player order.
  • Show backs on opponent's Native Village mat.
  • Hide trash when viewing player zones.
  • Private reveal windows during opponent turns now show card backs.
  • Show advanced table options after rule change when host returns from switching tabs.
  • Kick options are now always visible on the login page.
  • Max event/landmark table rule adapts itself to the required cards.
  • Setting min events/landmarks greater than max automatically adjusts the max.
  • Small fixes to Russian.
  • Small fixes to card texts.

kingdom generator fix:
The kingdom generator used to pick a random number between MIN_LANDMARKS_OR_EVENTS and MAX_LANDMARKS_OR_EVENTS, and then try to generate a kingdom accordingly. This was mostly bad for people owning only base set + Summon, which appeared much more frequent then it should.
Now changed to the default dominion rules (shuffle all the randomizer cards), but if MAX_LANDMARKS_OR_EVENTS is reached skip further landmarks and events, and if the process ends with less then MIN_LANDMARKS_OR_EVENTS it will add some more.


Version 1.1.1

most new things are around Band of Misfits and Overlord
they should now rename correctly in play while keeping their image, also after undo/reconnect.

card fixes:

  • ironmonger now uses reveal zone
  • charm gain is now optional
interface fixes:

  • events/landmarks are removed from the name a card list
  • player ordering fixed when not enough players
reload game fixes:

  • you can reload some games that gave 'internal error'
  • reloading with decision 0 should get you to the start of the game, and the last decision is the one before the end
kingdom generator fixes:

  • selecting 10 kingdom cards and some events/landmarks should work again
  • selecting bane, then removing young witch no longer gives you an 11 card kingdom


Version 1.1.2

  • Client-side reconnect: when you log in, a session token is kept in local storage that will automatically log you in the next time you enter the page. To prevent this from happening (e.g. because you share your device with other people), you can click "Logout" in the bottom right of the lobby page.
  • The journey token is now visible in players' info bars. Note that it behaves differently from the Making Fun version: if it's colored, this means on the next play you will get the big journey bonus; if it's grayed out, you will not.
  • Add sounds to the score screen to accompany your game result.
  • Fix: Tiny reveal windows under certain aspect ratios.
  • Fix: BoM and Overlord don't show the types of the impersonated card.
  • Fix: Games with bots with minplayers < maxplayers refused to start.

Additional minor changes:

  • Version number now links to release notes.
  • Change ready text for bots to 'Bot Ready'.
  • Change 'Cancel' to 'Cancel & Resign' on reconnecting screen.


Fix: games containing Black Market refused to start.


Version 1.1.3

  • Inbox for (system) messages.
  • The journey token's face up symbol is now the colored boot, whereas face down is represented by a green circle.
  • Fix: Quest adds journey token to game.
  • Fix: Buying Ruins with Embargo in kingdom would freeze the game.
  • Fix: Can't execute Ghost Ship, Governor actions during a Possession turn.
  • Fix: Undo request and timeout offer ownership issues during Possession turns.
  • Fix: Right clicking on a cardname in the endscreen log doesn't work.
  • Fix: Inspecting an Event or Landmark from the log makes it show up malformed.
  • Fix: Version links to first rather than last page in release notes thread.


Version 1.1.4

  • German translation.
  • Added link to FAQ in lobby menu.
  • Rewrite URL after signing up or logging in with temporary code.
  • Fix: Pre-game chat doesn't work.
  • Fix: Navigator and Survivors with a single card left would automatically topdeck it.


Version 1.2

  • Ratings, Leaderboard. (see here)
  • Inheritance
  • Fix: status bar referenced previous game on first join
  • Fix: champion after enchantress
  • Fix: already logged instead of loop
  • Several fixes to German translations


Version 1.2.1

  • Fix: Stop AI from trashing its own points
  • Fix: unrated automatched games should respect familiar cards
  • Fix: reconnect as spectator sometimes failed
  • Fix: champion/hireling after enchantress (2nd attempt :()


Version 1.2.2

  • Fix: tower shows points on endgame screen
  • Fix: some inheritance image-change bugs
  • Fix: leaderboard updated
  • visual fix: familiar cards table rule not updating when rated game is toggled
  • Fix: faster loading of end-game log
  • Updates to German translations

The 3-4 player leaderboard was not updated today, but those results are not lost and will be processed tomorrow.


Version 1.2.3

  • Notification sounds when it's your time to act
  • Options to disable sounds
  • Automatch queue: better purging of disconnected users
  • Connecting to the gameserver: progress shown
  • Fix: treasure hunter looks at player to the right (was left)
  • Fix: develop combined with when-would replacements (possession/trader)
  • Fix: visual on Overloard, sometimes it looked like it was inherited (on reload/undo)
  • Fix: Hunting party logging: revealed hand no longer mixed in with revealed from deck
  • Updates to German translations


Version 1.2.4

  • you have a personal blacklist; you can find it next to your friendlist.
  • after a game you can directly add players as friend and/or blacklisted
  • "rated games" & "replay" exclude eachother
  • 3/4P rated games now show 3/4P ratings in the log (was 2P ratings)
  • friend list tab looks nicer
  • new sound when it's your time to act

When you blacklist a person, you will not be automatched with them, they cannot join tables you're hosting and they can't see your online status (even when they befriend you and you allow followers to see your status).


Version 1.2.5

  • Improved Tables page. The list is now sortable by column and includes some basic filters. The top 50 tables that match your selection criteria are shown .
  • Fix: Reacting with Caravan Guard would update the active player's play counters.
  • Fix: Playing a reserve card with a called copy in play led to the wrong counter value.
  • Fix: Playing Possession would clear the log.
  • Fix: Rematches sometimes not starting properly.


Version 1.2.6
Improved automatcher:

  • Allows for 3 player matching.
  • Advanced/basic options.
  • More feedback while searching.

(see this post)

  • visual fixes for friendlist.
  • Russian labels corrected.


  • Fix importing accounts (using link in transfer emails)

  • automatch-advanced: added a line to make clear max/min ratings are relative


Version 1.2.7

  • resigning with >1 human opponent automated unrated continuation with a bot replacement; the original game is lost by the resigning player with a small additional rating penalty; both other players won
  • resigning with 1 human opponent no automated continuation, but the non-resigning player gets a button to play on versus a bot on the end-of-game screen.
  • Scheme 2 fixes (it sometimes broke undo, and crashed when you played more schemes then you had actions in play with KC / procession)
  • fixed pilesizes of basic money/victory in 5 & 6 player games
  • fix: giant revealing nothing now hands out curse
  • reconnect-to-meta -> the intention is to fix the problem of "not getting the end of game screen"
  • russian card text fixes


Version 1.2.8

Most of the changes are invisible for common users.

  • accounts now have a status in the database, which may imply they're banned
      (earlier I just scrambled their password)
    banned accounts can't log in and will be removed from the leaderboard on its next update
  • all language-specific code is now in a git submodule, and translators have direct write access to it.
  • card fix: gaining an inn / sprawling castle when it's not your turn
  • this release now tracks the IP adress of every login (sniff) and stores it into the database, so a future release will also be able to ban IPs, not just accounts
  • the way email addresses are stored changed. Unfortunately I'm not sure if this will fix problems people had confirming email, because I never had a reproducable bug

The font of the card names looked weird in 1.2.8


Version 1.2.9

  • Added Japanese. Many, many thanks to Majiponi for doing all the hard work.
  • fix: Library, there was a weird bug in the interaction with Archive/Gear/Haven/Save
  • fix: Coin of the Realm, was bugged when played twice with Counterfeit/Crown
  • fix: default cleanup order with both Herbalist and Alchemists
  • improvements to reconnect



  • fix: bug where spectators sometimes would be automatically reconnected.
  • fix: leaving a table as a spectator didn't always remove you from the table
  • fix: friend list only lists players that are connected
  • attempt to fix: "player unknown" messages (this one was hard to reproduce so also not sure on the fix)


Version 1.2.10

  • fix to reconnecting from new browser/computer
  • fix: Jack of all Trades, Duchess now use the reveal zone (instead of "peeking at the deck")
  • several fixes by translators


Version 1.2.11

  • rating service rewritten (no longer part of the metaserver, but now separate process)
  • failed rating updates for 3/4P ratings from the last two days restored
  • ratings will now be recomputed from day 0 every day (instead of only computing the update from yesterday)
  • initial rating parameters have been changed (most notably phi now starts at 0.75 instead of 2, resulting in a starting level of 35)
  • when a user gets banned, all rated results now will be retroactively removed. I.E. when you meet a notorious slowplayer, feel free to resign & blacklist


Version 1.2.12

  • fix: delete system messages
  • fix: mark system messages as read

This is a very small release that only fixes functionality you never used before, but I intend to deliver the first system message in a few hours.


Version 1.2.13

This release is mostly about something you shouldn't notice: Until this version you were connected to the metaserver and gameserver simultaneously when playing a game, from now on you will have only 1 connection open at a time.
Too many people have been having connection issues since 1.2.9, I hope this will end those problems.

visible fixes:

  • end of game now contains decklists instead of gamelog
  • Your messages won't pop up automatically unless you have unread messages
  • fix: ambassador
  • visual fix: treasures with variable coin production now have a ?
  • visual fix: treasures with long names didn't fit



3 bugs in 1.2.13 fixed:

  • offering timeout on disconnected users was bugged (only worked 50% of the time)
  • friend list didn't remove users that logged out
  • updated ratings were not correctly loaded


Version 1.2.14

some cardfixes:

  • Villa: gaining two at the same time only results in 1 extra buy phase (e.g. with Ball)
  • Black Market: shuffling the deck prevented the game from ending in some cases
  • Young Witch: revealing bane is now logged
  • Wine Merchant: can no longer discard when using Villa to end buy phase
  • Royal Carriage: there was a strange bug where you could sometimes call another players Royal Carriage, e.g. when they played Hamlet as last action without discarding


Version 1.2.15

Players now have a personal option "Spectators can see my cards", which will be effective in all games (rated/unrated, automatched and/or through table selection). Spectators can see all public information, plus any information shared with them by players that have the option selected. The default is to have this option selected, but if you want to play a tournament game you may want to unselect it.

One special account 'dominionstreams' will always be able to see your cards; it will be used to stream highlighted tournament matches on with commentators and a stream delay.


in the meanwhile, most of our work is on the nocturne branch.


Version 1.2.16

Added an option to use bonus codes in the account tab.
German 2E base dominion boxes are printed with such a bonus code.


  • disabled right context menu when clicking on cards
  • fixed internal error when quickly clicking through the lobby tabs


Version 1.2.17

  • new links to the FAQ / how to play
  • fixed: replaying rated games without bots is now unrated
  • fixed: inherited estates now count for vineyards


Version 1.2.18

  • new way of shuffling cards back into your deck, with more clear logging (Inn, Annex, Donate)
  • fixed: a bug where a corrupted connection to one player could get other players on the same table stuck


Version 1.3

  • Nocturne!
  • images in the status bar to remind you about Duration attacks, -coin and -card
  • Enchanted actions have a pig image
  • Starting cards shown before the game starts.

This version has the first Nocturne Previews.
Everyone is allowed to play with them for free during this week.
If you play with Nocturne using the automatcher, games will always be unrated.

Nocturne isn't fully accessible yet: the only way to play with Nocturne now is using "Nocturne Previews". You can't manually select the cards in the kingdom selector, and you can't buy a subscription to Nocturne yet.


be careful using "advanced options" for the automatcher. It can search for Nocturne Previews, rated games and practice games all independent of each other. If you really want Nocturne Previews, unselect the other two.



The rest of the week "Nocturne Preview" kingdoms will have 2 random cards revealed today, 2 random cards revealed earlier and 6 regular cards.


Version 1.3.1

  • Added Faithful Hound
  • Automatched Nocturne Preview games no longer respect familiar cards
  • Selecting "Nocturne Previews" for advanced automatching now deselects Rated, Practice games
  • Fix: could buy Grand Markets with coppers in play
  • Fix: Japanese logs didn't contain card names
  • Fix: Japanese Imp text
  • Fix: Russian "Nocturne Previews" menu
  • Shepherd & Opulent Castle now reveal all discarded Victory cards to opponent

There also is a problem with "kingdom positioning" which currently sometimes moves landmarks and/or events to strange places. Some of that is fixed in this release, but I know problems remain for specific screen sizes.




  • Added Fool
  • Fix Duplicate-Duchess - couldn't call Duplicate
  • Fix: set aside boons interface was scrambled






Version 1.3.2



Kingdom piles are displayed larger now, in-play a bit smaller.


Version 1.3.3

  • Banned Possession.

Possession has been losing popularity recently, up to the point that most people are trying to avoid this card or make a deal in chat to not use it. Because the configurable banned-cards-list isn't implemented yet, this is a temporary solution that just always puts Possession on the banned list.

This means it won't show up at random in your kingdoms anymore. You can still add it to the required cards if you want to play with it. It's also still possible you find a Possession in your Black Market (but only if the kingdom already has potions).


Version 1.3.4

  • Nocturne officially released and now also available in the store
  • Added Autoplays. Read more on it here
  • fixed undo vs bots
  • several obscure cardbugs fixed; the known card bugs list will be updated


Version 1.3.5

  • Added Dismantle
  • Added game end notification
  • Added general description of autoplays
  • technical rework: storeservice now on a separate machine
  • Improved description of abilities when choosing order
  • technical rework: gameservers handling incoming connections

There was a bug that could cause some log lines to be missing (e.g. ambassador returning), render the undo button inoperative and make parts of the log disappear after a page refresh during a game.


Version 1.3.6

  • Better dealing with failing gameservers
  • Added sound on game end notification

Known Card Bugs fixes

  • Band of Misfits (with throne room)
  • Champion (attacked after you trashed it)
  • Colonnade (buying inherited estate)
  • Estate (5/6P setup)
  • Famine, Inn (shuffling in 0 cards)
  • Fool's Gold (in combination with auto-buy)
  • Hamlet (discard for buy *after* discard for action)
  • Herbalist (when schemed)
  • Inheritance (with quarry in play and estates in hand)
  • Miserable (displayed when Twice Miserable)
  • Mission (buttons when choosing next turn)
  • Monastery (trashing one at a time)
  • Noble Brigand (order of copper & discard)
  • Outpost (with Overlord, Mining Village & Throne Room)
  • Pearl Diver (deck count while making the decision)
  • Replace (didn't lose track)
  • Royal Carriage (was sometimes callable on trashed actions)
  • Tournament (3P autoplay could get stuck)

Hamlet & Pearl Diver have a slightly changed interface now.
I think Hamlet is just better this way; Pearl Diver is still "under investigation".


Version 1.3.6
Fix calling reserve cards - when you had >1 reserve card you could call phantom copies

(this was a server-only release and I forgot to rename the client so it's still called 1.3.6)


Version 1.3.7

  • Reserve cards could be called too many times
  • Noble Brigand got stuck when revealing Silver+Gold
  • Monastery logged twice
  • Replaces lose track message continued all game long
  • Aqueduct resulted in broken log & broken undo


Version 1.3.8

  • Games getting stuck
  • Internal Error on load old game with Obelisk

In the previous version when someone reconnected to a gameserver without closing previous connections, the gameserver failed to do a proper cleanup and this could get the game stuck, only solvable by executing an undo. "without properly closing" is most likely the result of genuine connection trouble on the client side. This bug was much more prominent in spectated games, as those have people reconnecting all the time.

All games featuring Obelisk were unloadable, and now you can load those.
It's possible there are more reasons for games not to load but I'm not aware of any; if you still encounter Internal Error on loading a recent game please do post the game number here


Version 1.3.9

The game has started lagging recently. This release the servers will log more extensively in order to be able to investigate further, and it will also balance the games over the three gameservers differently. Apart from that there should be no functional differences with 1.3.8


Version 1.3.10

  • Store appearance and clarity are improved
  • Traditional Chinese added as language thanks to love1323 (Shuffle-iT Forum name)
  • French added as language thanks to gamesou (Shuffle-iT Forum name)
  • Reordering cards in the game has been fixed on Android devices (e.g. Cartographer) Thanks to Ingix

We did an overhaul of the Store tab with a different UI and more explanations.

Two new languages are added: Traditional Chinese and French. Thanks a lot to the new translators.

The Account tab now shows your subscriptions more clearly, including pictures of the expansion boxes. And when you hover over any expansion you own, it will show you the exact time it will end on the expiration date.


Version 1.3.11
"Game already starting" should be dealt with now; unfortunately I'm not 100% sure on it but the next week will have to
show this.

Apart from that there should be no functional differences. The work we're currently doing on invites/creating tables/matching is on another branch.


New version 1.3.12

Live on on 13th of February, 2018.

* Reveal window: hover on a card part now brings it to the front (thanks Ingix)
* Many translation fixes in the new TChinese, multiple other translations fixes (thanks translators)
* Some bugs fixes, for example the non-clickable autoplay settings radio buttons.
* Some small layout changes.
* Some conditional CSS text styling for Japanese and TChinese.

In the reveal window it was sometimes hard to choose correctly when many cards were revealed at once. You can now hover on the visible part of the card and it will become completely visible.

With a new language, traditional Chinese, some corrections and additions in the next release where to be expected. Here they are.

Happy gaming to you all :-)



Three problems introduced in 1.3.12 are now fixed:

  • In some (most) browsers card texts in your opponents hand/discard were blanked out
  • Surface devices stopped registering clicks (in some cases)
  • The Japanese log sometimes contained the text [Object object]

Also fixed: the 'upgrade to nocturne' option in the store didn't work when you were close to running out of your current subscription (< 1 month). In the new version it will suggest you extend your subscription to 30 days from now.


Version 1.3.13

This version contains the Kingdom Viewer, as originally developed by IceHawk78 in his "King's Courtier" Chrome plugin.

This feature is designed to help those of us who sometimes forget card text on non-kingdom cards or don't remember exactly what card is the bottom half of a split pile. It also allows you to read through all the Boons, Hexes and/or States that are in use.

On the top right where it used to say "trash | undo | resign" you'll now find a 4th button "Kingdom". I suggest you just click it and see what happens. You can go back to the regular view by clicking "Play Area".

Many thanks to Icehawk for building this and to Ingix for the finishing touch.


Version 1.3.14

small fix to get sounds back in Chrome.


Version 1.3.15

  • Store now also offers 2-months option, convenient for players that want to sign up to the tournament.
  • Kingdom creator now has an option for 'a random card from a specific expansion'
    This is useful if you want to play with e.g. 5 cards from Intrigue and 5 cards from Seaside but don't want to specify which ones yourself.
  • Fix for grayed out subscriptions that ran out.
  • Some minor card bug fixes.

This release is quite small, despite being a long time after the previous release. Currently most work is done on the renaissance branch, which will go live with the online previews of Dominion:Renaissance in the last week of this month.



  • bugfix: Undo with Den of Sin, Horse Traders or Arena in the game would result in a blanked out game log
  • bugfix: the 'random card from expansion X' wasn't translated (was always in English)


Version 1.4.0 (aka previews-1)


  • This week we're doing previews of the latest expansion, Dominion:Renaissance. We will add some additional cards every day. The previews are free to play for everyone; you can't buy Renaissance yet. The full set will be available in the store simultaneous with the release of the physical card game, currently expected mid October.
  • The easiest way is to go the matching tab and press the "Renaissance Previews" button for a 2 player preview game against a random human opponent. If you want to play against Lord Rat, choose the "Preview vs. Bot" button (down in the "Bot game" pane).
  • more options: Select the "Advanced options" checkbox at the lower end of the "Automatch" pane. Now in addition to all the usual options you can check the "Renaissance Previews" checkbox to be placed in the preview queue. This way you can for example wait for a 3-player game to form, or use your preferred rating requirements.

Game updates: This is a summary. For a full description, click here.

  • Bigger status bar (center of screen) with Coffers mat and debt shown
  • Player info bar (with a player's name and VP count) shows reminders (states, Haunted Woods effect,...) and omits counters that currently are zero.
  • The log will now always show variable amount of +Actions, +Buys, +Coins (for example +Coins from Steward or Bank, and +Buys from Squire). There also is an option that allows you to log all +Actions, +Buys and +Coins. If you're an experienced player you probably want to turn it off.
  • Right-clicking a card now will also show you cards that are associated with it, like the Prizes for Tournament or Exorcist for a Ghost.
  • Durations that go away this turn do not 'mix' in a stack with Durations that stay in play.
  • It's now possible to find out what cards are under your Archives, Crypts etc (hover over the card or a player name).
  • The Autoplay Treasure button is improved.
         - Autoplaying Silvers (with Sauna) implies you don't want to trash. (If you do, play your Silvers manually).
         - It will no longer play Treasures that have your +Card token on them (from Pathfinding)
         - undoing this action no longer requires your opponent's approval.
  • Certain card selections from many cards (say discard pile or trash) now stack the same cards together, so it is easier to find the one you want.


Version (aka previews-2)

This version previews Acting Troupe, Sculptor & Recruiter.
In a preview game today you will get one of those, plus two from yesterdays previews.

These cards introduce the concept of Villagers. The number of Villagers you have will be displayed in your personal info box, and also right next to your Actions counter when it's your turn. The easiest way to use Villagers is to just click on the Action cards in your hand. To warn you that you will be using a Villager the "0 Actions" will be in red, and the border around your cards will be blue (instead of green). This will be sufficient in >99% of the games. More about that here.


Version (aka previews-3)

Adding three cards again today: Villain, Ducat, Silk Merchant.
In a preview game today you will get one of the new cards, plus two cards previewed earlier this week.

There were some problems releasing the new client of this version. Some people that tried to play minutes after the release got a bad version of the client in their browser cache. If it doesn't work for you now, please try clearing your cache.


Version (aka previews-4)

Today also brings three new cards: Flag Bearer, Swashbuckler & Treasurer. If you click that link, you can read Donalds description of the Artifacts that come along with them.

In a preview game today you will get one of the new cards, plus two cards previewed earlier this week.


Version (aka previews-5)

Today we preview six of the projects: Fair, Silos, Citadel, Star Chart, Sewers, Innovation.

Every preview game will have two Projects at random, and 3 regular kingdom cards from earlier this week.

The Sewers interface is still a bit clumsy (Especially is Sewers is the only thing triggering to a trash it could be much cleaner). The bots don't buy projects yet, that also will be improved before the actual release.


Version (aka previews-5)
(The server is new but the client is the same as yesterday)

The previews will stay up for approximately 48 more hours, although there will not be any new cards previewed.

A preview game during that period will have...
* 3 cards from Monday-Thursday
* either 1 or 2 projects from Friday.

The reasoning here is that this leaves some room in the kingdom for an Event or a Landmark.

There was a recently introduced bug that wouldn't let you undo cards that let you select multiple cards in your own hand (Chapel, Militia, Forge, ...). It didn't always happen (only against a human opponent, only for single-step-undo) but now it's fixed.



Nothing new, just the preview queue disabled.



* Fixed a problem with the automatch queue, where you could be "searching for nothing"
Now it's forced again that you either search for rated games or practice games (or both).

* right-clicking in familiar cards was broken sometimes


Version 1.4.1

  • Fixed: Right clicking a card would break down if the game continued and popped up other windows. This could also cause the autoplay-options to be hidden/unclickable.
  • Playing treasures now also logs production of Coin, as does spending Coffers.
  • Fixed: Some treasures would produce other log lines (like Plunder giving you +1VP), but be grouped together anyway in a strange manner. Now such treasures get properly separated from the 'normal' treasures.
  • Fixed: requiring 0 events/landmarks would sometimes give you an event/landmark anyway.
  • Fixed: logging of VP for Bishop
  • Fixed: order of events for Butcher (spending Coffers before gaining)
  • several translation fixes

In the English version of the log we decided to represent Coin production with $, because it's a lot shorter then the word Coin. Hopefully one day we'll put images in the log and use the proper dominion-coin-symbol.


Version 1.4.2

This one brings all of Dominion:Renaissance :)

you can read about some new cards and a changed interface to select Projects here:



fix for using the landscape-selection on tablet devices.



  • You can now buy subscriptions for 2020 and 2021
  • Citadel-Outpost, Citadel-Crossroads: this used to double the effect but shouldn't
  • Inheriting an Outpost: this should never give you any extra turns (wrong card name) but it did

There has been a very big hiatus in the releases.
I hope to get back to more regular development & releasing now.



Two big problems with the previous release:

  • If you were in a game with Coffers, and you used undo or reload page, the game would get stuck
  • Merchant didn't give any coins.

Sorry to the people getting stuck in the last couple of hours.



This is a small update.

The release has a lot of changes to other languages, mainly Japanese. Unfortunately I'm unable to read / describe them in detail.

Server side there is a fix for people using promo codes if they already had a subscription in the past for the same expansion.



  • Images of all Nocturne cards and Dismantle used to be distorted due to bad image conversion. The new images are much closer to the printed cards.
  • card fix: Overlord was bugged with Lighthouse, Walled Village, Page & Peasant
  • card fix: Scepter could replay a Tragic Hero that you already trashed
  • card fix: Hireling when played at start of turn (e.g. with Summon) didn't immediately give you a card
  • autoplay fix: Changeling "smart ask" should ask you if you want to exchange when gaining a Silver with Ironworks
  • Fixes to translations in Russian and Japanese


Version 1.4.3

  • A new feature: You now get to ban, like or dislike cards. Read more about it here.
  • New new images of all Nocturne cards and Dismantle.
  • Fixes to translations, mostly Japanese.


Version 1.4.4

  • Two new promo cards added: Captain & Church
  • A small fix for a bug that made clicking on the outer lobby tabs hard on small screens


Version 1.4.5

  • Clicking below log replaced with new buttons
  • Opponents hand no longer upside down, but now shrinking
  • Spectator list in-game
  • New buttons on sliders for specifying amounts (like repaying debt, mountain pass bidding)
  • New interface for naming cards (wishing well & friends)



Just some small fixes today.

  • Undo was missing when halfway discarding for Torturer or Sky's Gift.
  • Vassal now uses different buttons and always forcing you to make a decision, you can't click in hand anymore to continue (The old behavior caused problems with Royal Carriage).
  • Players joining/leaving info is now always send to the client, thus also updating the spectator list when players-see-spec-chat is off. The client now no longer reports joining/leaving info about spectators in the chat, regardless of the chat setting (it seemed over the top with the nice new spectator list).



  • bugfix: Survivors and Navigator were hiding their "discard all" button.
  • bugfix: Captain - Encampment bug that could return an Encampment to the supply.


Version 1.4.6

  • Implemented the 2019 Dominion Errata (text, video)
  • Capitalism type change now also visible in the supply
  • various updates to translations, including more info in the status bar


Version 1.4.6 (same client version but different server version)

  • Fixed Cargo Ship interaction with cards that gain more cards, like Border Village, Skulk or Experiment
  • Fixed Ghost playing a Duration, it would not stay out

Both these fixes are for problems introduced in yesterdays release.
Sorry to the people who were in a game during this release, I accidentally killed all running games.


Version 1.4.7 &

We've had lots of problems sending out emails over the last ~12 days. I have good hopes these two releases fixes it all.

Everyone who signed up during this period should still have gotten their welcome email (to confirm their mail, so they can host games).

Mails should now be sent from (was, be signed with DKIM, mention your user account and contain some links to discord & this forum.


This version brings the first set of previews for Menagerie.

More changes & fixes are in the release but I will update this post later


Fixed two small problems with the previous release:

- The 'name a card' interface (for wishing well, mystic, rebuild, ...) did not allow you to type the name of a card.
- Black Market had a 61th card put on top of it; it was always an Animal Fair (this was done for testing purposes but somehow made it into the actual release)



- Ghost played on a duration card would not stay out as long as it should (which is as long as that duration card).
- Aqueduct didn't ask you enough how to order its effects. It could move VP to aqueduct, it could give you the VP on aqueduct. For example gaining a Crumbling Castle or Haunted Castle was bugged. The new solution here is to always do "Take VP from Aqueduct" last. A solution to just always ask would be very annoying.



There was a problem with the automatch queue - you could end up with an unrated non-preview game while searching for a preview game.



Added 3 more cards - Supplies, Scrap & Livery - and a non-supply card Horse.

Today's preview queue lets you play with one of the new cards and two of yesterdays cards



bugfix: The Horse image was missing.


Version was just unplayable / me being hasty :(
That problem is fixed now though.



Two fixes:
- The "animal fair vs coffers" bug is fixed
  (if you had coins+coffers >= 7, coins < 7, action in hand ==> it would first spend your coffers, then trash your action)
- the logging of negative things is back
  (it used to not log spending coffers, spending villagers, losing coins to poor house)



Added new preview cards: Bounty Hunter, Stockpile, Coven


Some fixes:
- Aqueduct would not always hand out VP
   (more specifically, it didn't work when it time-clashed with something optional, e.g. the exile mat)
- Annex allowed you to select too many cards in the client, which would get you stuck
- Herald allowed you to select too many cards in the client, which would get you stuck (this was only possible with confirm single card trashes "on")
- new image for the exile button (currently only visible with confirm single card trashes set "on" and playing bounty hunter)



Added new preview cards: Way of the Ox, Way of the Turtle, Way of the Mole, Toil, Commerce, Populate


Added new preview cards: Mastermind, Black Cat, Wayfarer

Some fixes:
- Lord Rat would get stuck when trying to play treasures with Black Market.
- Lord Rat would get stuck when playing a Hamlet with more actions in hand.



- Way buttons on actions used to be invisible when you couldn't use them. In this release, they are visible but grayed out. My hope is that this removes the concept of a "surprise button" and thus reduces misclicks.
(for example at start of turn, or after playing a Courtyard)

- The "Champion autoplay" was always visible, but now it's hidden in games without ways.



- "Transparent way buttons" used to have an opaque border, but in they did not.

- Innovation, Ghost & Prince had a bit of a strange Way-user-interface. They expected you to click the way first, then select the ability for their (first) play. Now they will just always ask after you click them.

- There was a new problem with the metaserver-gameserver communication that caused an unusually high number of "already starting" bugs. I hope that is gone now.


The previews are now in "weekend mode".
This means you'll get 3 random previewed cards as well as 1 random landscape.
Previews will continue for another ~48 hours.

It's technically not a release (but a change in the database) but I thought I'd mention it here anyway.



- Stonemason trashing Wayfarer was bugged; For your second gain you should only be allowed to pick something cheaper then the new Wayfarer price.

- Another change to the metaserver-gameserver protocol

- Small corrections to French & Japanese translations



Basically no changes, but the preview table rule is now hidden
(it was already unusable anyway, since the previews have ended)



This release brings the the 14th expansion - Dominion:Menagerie.

Some changes unrelated to the new cards as well:

- The automatch queue looks different. You also have an extra option: to search for Special Kingdom Rules. Currently there is one Special Kingdom Rule available: "Extra Menagerie". If this rule is active, the kingdom generator will start by picking 1 Event or Way from Menagerie, and 4 regular kingdom cards from Menagerie. After that the kingdom will be generated as normal. If you create your own table, you can combine this rule with any other rules you'd like to set, but realize that if you specify too many (>6) cards it may be impossible to generate a kingdom.

- The store now gives discounts for buying longer periods of time. Details are here. As announced ~10 days ago, people who had a Gold sub at time of the release got Menagerie added for free.

- There are some new autoplays for existing cards. Torturer allows you to always gain Curse, Sinister Plot to always add a token when you had none, Pageant to always take the Coffers, Arena to stop asking when there is no more VP, Moneylender to just trash one of your coppers and finally Old Witch to always trash a curse from your hand.

- The order your cards are discarded during cleanup has changed. (This change actually already happened when the previews started). The old version discarded in-play first and in-hand afterwards. Now it will start with complicated-in-play, then do in-hand, and then discard simple-in-play. In practice this will mean you will almost never end up with a card on top of your discard pile that you didn't want your opponent to know about.

- Note that the official suggestion is to play with max 1 Way, and with automatch you will always get at most 1. But manually you can select up to 4 landscapes, and they could all be Ways. If you have a game with more than 1 Way, you still only get 1 Way button on the card. In order to play a card using another Way, click the Way card in the Kingdom (it will light up to show it's selected), then click on the card you want to play (in the picture area, not on the Way button).



  • added a separate button to Wayfarer to gain a Silver, and Desperation to gain a Curse
  • FIX: bonus codes will now allow you to select Menagerie as well (codes from the physical boxes)
  • FIX: preselecting a card and using "Extra Menagerie" used to be able to put a card twice in your kingdom
  • fixes to confirming email
      - when clicking a link to validate on an already confirmed mail you used to get 'internal error', and now you just get 'thanks for confirming" again
      - it used to only check when starting a game. Now it also checks when creating a table, and when joining the automatch queue
      - added more logging, to be able to trace it better if a problem remains
  • fix for showing coffers/VP when the only card using that counter is under Way of the Mouse
  • Fixes to Japanese translations: cardtexts of Goatherd & Pursue



This version adds a rotating free expansion, as described here

Revert of a configuration change in the gameserver-metaserver protocol.
Currently some games appear to "refuse to finish".

no visible changes


two fixes:

- The free expansion interfered with the possibility to set your automatch preference.
Accidentally the usual options "only base games", "prefer expansions" and "wait for expansions" were unavailable to free players. Now they're back.

- There was a bug with Desperation - if you revealed Trader to the curse gain you still got the +$2



added ohio gameserver to the pool.

This machine has twice the capabilities of the other gameservers.



No functional changes and again more config changes as I'm still trying to improve the lag.



* Fix: three Ways were excluded from the regular kingdom generator
   (you would only get them when choosing explicitly, or when using 'extra menagerie' - it were Ways of the Buttefly, Owl & Frog)
* Added logging on internal gameserver processes & communication with metaserver.

(right now this runs on 3 gameservers: ohio, frankfurt & oregon. My plan is to give the current games on tokyo on the old release ~an hour to finish, then upgrade the machine, and add it back to the pool)



Most of these releases were about setting up routing to the new gameservers (upgrades of the old ones)

two fixes:

* card banned from Way of the Mouses selection now set to:
   (you can pick them manually but they won't show up at random)

* the invite to the support discord got retracted; updated welcome mails with new link.


This client connects to a new metaserver machine, as the old one has proven to be insufficient last night.


Quote from: Stef on 31 March 2020, 03:02:29 PM
This client connects to a new metaserver machine, as the old one has proven to be insufficient last night.

These two are basically the same as but people had trouble with old versions of the client from their cache, so I gave the client a new name.


version 1.5.2

This versions brings the rating system back online, finally.

The ratings now update live, so you should see the leaderboard update immediately and if you play another game you'll see your updated level. There is still a nightly ratings update happening around 0:00 UTC increasing the "phi" component of your rating (also known as "rating decay"). The formulas behind the rating have not changed, the only difference is that you'll see your new rating sooner.

The green/red arrows on the leaderboard no longer represent the changes on a full day, but instead the changes since the start of the current ratings period (so approximately since 0:00 UTC)


version 1.5.3

* You can now turn chat on/off completely, either by clicking during the game or toggling in the player options
* You can now turn "players see spectator chat" on/off during a game. Also there is a new player option that allows you to have this off by default in automatched games.
   - if at least one player wants it off in automatch, it starts off
   - any player can turn it off during the game
   - table host can turn it on during the game
* You can now add&remove people to your friends & blacklist during a game
* any chat by blacklisted players is now ignored by you. If you're a spectator blacklisting another spectator, they will no longer be visible to you.
* if you blacklist someone and they friend you, you will no longer see them on your friends list
* if any player blacklists a spectator, that spectator is kicked from the table. You can't spectate a game where any player has blacklisted you (was: only blacklisted by the table host had any impact)
* during the pre/post game screen, some of the text has been replaced by icons

some small gamerule fixes:
* Way of the Squirrel was broken when used on opponents turn
* Catacombs used to not draw when your deck was empty (relevant with Way of the Chameleon / -1 Card token)
* Lord Rat used to get stuck when playing Wayfarer.

In the meanwhile, some people have been working on new translations. I haven't added them in the language selector yet because their work is still in progress, but if you want to you can already check it out using these urls: Spanish Czech Esperanto


some small visual fixes, the chat used to overlap with player zones (after clicking a player name)


some more small fixes that were broken in 1.5.3:
* the 'status line' in the middle of the screen got truncated when it was long
* the ability to befriend or blacklist people after a game with one click after they left your table was gone.
* people that you blacklisted but befriended you were supposed to be invisible to you but they were not.

and one new fix:
* the number of callable Royal Carriages was sometimes too low. It should now always match the number of Carriages on your mat.


Fixes to the layout. Most notably, on some/most phones the box that allowed you to enter chat accidentally had dropped below the visible screen in the previous release.


* Fixes to the layout.
* Fancier looking "End Turn" & "End Actions" buttons.


* Today's Chrome release impacted the layout on the automatch page and the friends tab got misplaced; this release fixes that again.

* Fixes to the logging of revealing cards. Most notably Hunting Party, which used to merge the line of revealing your hand and revealing cards from your deck. All other "searching" cards (Loan, Venture, Farming Village, Fortune Teller, ...) now correctly mention the card they find last, instead of just grouping all revealed cards together.


This one only has updates to the German translations of Menagerie. The printed version is now released, and this change is to make the online card names match the printed version.



Some card wordings got updated. They're described in detail by Donald X. here. Trader is the only functional change in this update, the other described functional changes were already updated last summer.



It's a very small release, despite being so long after the previous one. Sorry but I've been having trouble getting the latest developments actually releasable, so this one is sneaking through:

* The store is selling longer subscriptions again, because the contract with RGG has been re-signed.
* Great Britain no longer counts as "EU"
* German tax rate is back to 19%
* various fixes to translations in Japanese and German.



* fix for kingdom viewer not working
* fix for iPads where (at least in Chrome and Safari) card stack counters would not be visible


fix for name boxes on iPads


fix for iPads showing game buttons (undos, resign, options)


* iPads font size was bugged making cards unreadable
* font throughout the client changed
* end-game screen reworked
* games where Merchant Guilds ability clashed with something else (e.g. Pageant) would get stuck


  - loading games should be fixed
  - The annoying clicking problem for "Leave Game" should be gone
  - Drawing cards should happen quicker across the board
  - The player zones shouldn't be hidden on ipad / mobile any more
  - Wishing from a split pile should work as expected
  - The end-game cards should be sorted vaguely by type (similar to how cards in hand are sorted)
  - BM cards will no longer appear in the kingdom viewer
  - Slightly rejiggered the bottom right buttons and trash tab so things overlap less
  - Editing your automatch settings should now properly save
  - The options menu in game shouldn't be cut off on mobile any more, and should be scrollable
  - Slightly changed how the tooltips on the buttons on the bottom right in game display


* new subscription model
* allies previews
* introducing a bug :(
* fix for, not giving access to the cards as it should


* some French cards were in English
* strange bug unable to manually select base cards in kingdom selector
* preview vs rated - now the interface will make clear they can't happen both
* royal blacksmith had a blanked out name

Stef ...

These releases were all part of the Allies previews, adding a couple of new cards each time


This brings the new expansion Dominion:Allies


- some fixes with extra allies
  - automatch: If both players force yes, and neither has a Subscription, they don't match at all. (used to get matched but then unable to start a game).
  - manual table: specifying both allies cards and "extra allies" option wont create duplicates anymore
  - automatch: if both players have "yes and no" to extra allies, the match will now do "yes" (think it was random)
- barbarian in 3+ player games was broken
- preselected young witch with preselected bane-candidates could lead to double kingdom cards, much like the "extra allies" problem mentioned above

- the ratings weren't live updating since the AWS problems this afternoon, but now that should all be working again. No rating results were lost.



This is the first of 3 releases that feature the Seaside 2nd Edition previews.
The preview queue is back, also for non-subscribers, and today it lets you play with 1 new seaside card, 2 old seaside cards and the rest random from all your cards.

Unlike all previous previews, people with subscriptions immediately own the new cards in the game. So you can access those cards and add them to your games in the regular way immediately.

Today 2 cards got removed (Embargo, Ghost Ship) but they're not completely deleted. I've moved them over to a 'fake expansion' called Deprecated. This expansion will grow over time, right now it has only 2 cards. Cards from the Deprecated expansion will never show up at random in any of your games, but you can still hand-pick them.
fix to German translations

bugfix: in the previous build, playing a Chariot Race would freeze the client.


Day two of the Seaside 2e previews.
In a preview game today you get one of {Sea Witch, Sea Chart, Tide Pools}, one of {Blockade, Astrolabe, Monkey} and one random old Seaside card.

also some bugfixes:
- it was possible to play non-actions using ways in some circumstances (Courier, Specialist, Nights)
- Warlord attack prevented using autoplay treasures
- Fellowship of Scribes interacted badly with some cards that allowed you to shrink your handsize with a "delayed action", meaning Artificer, Hamlet and some more obscure combination of cards.
- it was possible to get previewed cards in your kingdom twice if you enabled previews and hand-picked them at the same time.

The final day of Seaside 2e previews.

Today the preview queue will get you one random card of {Sailor, Pirate, Corsair}, one random earlier previewed card from {Astrolabe, Blockade, Monkey, Tide Pools, Sea Witch, Sea Chart}, and one random old Seaside card.

The preview queue will stay up until we do Prosperity 2E previews. The date is still unknown but it isn't far away.

Also one bug fix in this release: the 'Extra Allies' option was hidden two days ago, but people who had it selected in the past were still using it under the hood. Now it's really gone.



Today is the first day of the Prosperity 2E previews. We're deprecating Counting House, Mountebank & Contraband.
Instead you now get to play with three new cards: Magnate, Charlatan, War Chest.

There are also numerous fixes to the client; most notably the card counter updates.
fixing the Charlatan Curse image



Day two of Prosperity 2E. Today we're adding Crystal Ball, Investment & Clerk. They're replacing Venture, Loan & Trade Route.
The autoplays menu looked all weird, and that was fixed in this update

Final day of Prosperity 2E previews. Today you get Tiara, Anvil & Collection. Royal Seal, Talisman & Goons have been deprecated. Also there are some minor functional changes to Hoard, Quarry and Mint.

and a small bugfix: Playing actions having Citadel while under attack of Enchantress/Highwayman would not get you a second play, but certainly should and now will.


The Prosperity 2E Previews are over, and we've removed the preview queue. Instead you now have an option for "Extra 2nd Edition" in both automatch and table options. This works similar to "Extra Allies" and "Extra Menagerie" in the past.

"Extra 2nd Edition" allows you to play rated games, where previews did not. This hopefully helps in getting faster automatches. Another difference is that previews were available to everyone, whereas the extra 2E will only add 2E cards if at least one of the players is a subscriber.

The option defaults to "No"; I suggest you change it to "Yes or No", and if you really like it you could also go for "Yes". If both players in a match have selected "Yes or No", the game will be played with "Yes".

When using this option, the kingdom generator will randomly add 2 cards from the 18 new ones to your kingdom. You can combine it with any other setup rules you like on your custom tables, as long as you keep 2 free spots.


A release with only changes in the client, most notably a new premove-menu.



The first of three releases that bring Hinterlands 2E cards.
Today we're replacing Mandarin, Embassy & Oracle with Weaver, Wheelwright & Witch's Hut

During the 72 hours of the previews, all Hinterlands cards are freely available to everyone, including non-subscribers. This will allow you to set up your own table with the new cards if you want to.

The 'preview vs bot' button will get you a game with 1 new Hinterlands card, 2 old Hinterlands cards and the rest random from your collection.

During the previews, the 'Extra 2nd Edition' option in automatch will get you one random Hinterlands 2E card released on that day, one random older 2E card (from seaside 2E or prosperity 2E or earlier Hinterlands 2E) and the rest random. This will still allow the game to be rated.


I made a mistake with this release, having to restart it ~15 minutes later. In the original version you could get stuck on "Loading Game".

Adding three more Hinterlands 2E cards to the pool: Nomads, Guard Dog & Souk. We deprecated Nomad Camp, Duchess & Cache.

A small fix for cards showing up twice in your kingdom: this could happen if you both forced all the new cards and added "extra 2E". Now you'll get an error instead.


Two fixes:
- Matchmaking was broken in exactly the same way as last previews, sorry about that.
It was possible to search for previews even though it was invisible. This time it had a very visible side effect if you also searched for extra 2E: those cards could show up double. For some people this resulted in unreasonable queue times.
- Souk under WotC broke the game if you already had coins.


This release has the last three cards of Hinterlands previews, but also all the errata mentioned in this post.
When you play a game with cards that got errata, a warning window will pop up.

It includes some fixes for other recent rule changes as well. For example, buying a Villa (&friends) now ends your buy phase, which can be relevant for cards like Merchant Guild or Pageant.


Bridge Troll was bugged; it would keep giving you 1 cost reduction on each of your turns for the rest of the game.

The end of the Hinterlands previews.

From here on out, the "extra 2E" option in matchmaking gets you 2 random cards from the 27 new 2E cards (9 seaside, 9 prosperity, 9 hinterlands).

And a fix for a bug with Plan, when you bought it more then once in a game the token would visually move but the trashing effect continued to be looking for the first pile.


Various client-only fixes for visual glitches.
Most notably, special zones (like the trash, exile) wouldn't update correctly.

* Governors self-trash is now optional
* Stonemason overpay bug fixed. Overpaying for stonemason wasn't gaining enough of them, and the same bug applied to trickier situations where you'd already gained the top card of the pile that you overpaid for by the time the overpay ability resolved.
* voyage turns now have a counter showing remaining plays
* secret passage asks 1 combined question instead of 2 separate ones (much better for undos)
* tax is auto-resolved last instead of first (for interaction with Black Market Innovation)
* Playing Bridge Troll during start of turn fixed
* Scepter and Charm will log their +$2 now.

- Family of Inventors now has a line in the log when it's used.
- Starting your buy phase is now logged when relevant (for example, with the Treasure Chest from Swashbuckler)
- The client will now prompt you if you're repeatedly trying to reconnect to the same game, and gives you the option to stop attempting to reconnect. This fixes the "spinning castle" problem.
- fixed: overpay with stonemason could get you extra coins if you overpaid with Coffers
- Gaining two Villas/Cavalries "at the same time" was bugged; it would get you a duplicate buy->action phase transition.

Minor tweaks
- Shelter frames now match their in-print counterparts.
- Player names and VP counts scale better, so longer names will no longer intersect their VP counts.
- Some bugfixes with the kingdom layout where, in certain screen resolutions, piles were being placed on top of each other
- Adding a card to a cardlist will no longer deselect the cardlist.


fix: it was impossible to change your autoplay settings during a game


It was impossible to reconnect in
Now you can reconnect again, although your client won't know your opponents name.
Will get that fixed tomorrow.


Reconnecting to games will once again show your opponents name(s).




  • Drawing, getting coins/actions/buys, trashing, playing cards, and gaining cards at the start of turns should now have the cause logged (e.g. +1 Coin (Fishing Village))
  • Chat should be synchronized between the game screen and the lobby screen. This means if players or spectators hit "end game", they can still chat with those who haven't.
  • Having premoves turned on should no longer cause inadvertent double-clicks on mobile.
Kingdom generation

  • Liaisons were previously being generated at a slightly lower frequency than other kingdom cards. This was because if there was no space to fit an ally in the kingdom, a liaison would not be allowed to be added. The kingdom generation algorithm has been tweaked so that liaisons will now be generated at the same frequency as other cards.
  • As a consequence, automatch games can now have up to 2 normal landscapes (Events, Landmarks, Projects, Ways) along with an ally.
  • The maximum number of landscapes in a kingdom will also vary depending on complexity level. Below level 10, a maximum of 2 landscapes (Events, Landmarks, Projects, Ways, and Allies) can be present, and below level 8, a maximum of 1 landscape can be present.
  • Druid boons, and the obelisk pile, can now be specified in kingdom construction, and will also be copied by the "replay previous kingdom" button in the kingdom card selector. You may specify any number of Druid boons. The obelisk pile may be specified to be any possible action supply pile, but if that pile doesn't actually end up as part of the kingdom, it will be selected randomly as if it were unspecified.
  • The syntax for the kingdom card selector has been slightly changed, to accomodate these additional specifications. As before, you may enter multiple queries separated by commas to enter multiple cards at once. In addition:

    • To add Young Witch, in addition to the Bane, you can enter "Young Witch: ", followed by the bane. As an example, "Young Witch: Menagerie". Way of the Mouse and Obelisk behave similarly.
    • To specify Druid boons, type in the Boons you want immediately after Druid, parenthesized. For example, "Druid (The Flame's Gift) (The Wind's Gift)".
    • These rules work in combination. For example, you could do "Young Witch: Druid (The Flame's Gift)".
    • To specify whether Colonies, type in "Colonies" or "No Colonies". The same works with Shelters.
    • These rules are language-sensitive, so a Japanese player would type in something like "ドルイド (田畑の恵み) (炎の恵み), 植民地場, オベリスク: ドルイド", for example.
    • If you don't type in the card name exactly, the system will try to search for a card that matches what you typed (as if you're searching for a card normally), so something like "yw: drui (flame)" will work just as well.
    • We're working with DomBot and other app developers to be able to output generated kingdoms in this syntax as well, so it'll be easier to copy-and-paste them into the Dominion Online client.
Individual card-related bugfixes

  • Blockade will no longer crash the game when used on a ruin (which was occurring some times).
  • Crop Rotation is now counted as a non-mandatory effect, so you can just skip past it if you don't intend to use it.
  • Emissary should now correctly give the action and favors with the -1 Card token.
  • Fleet's turn order in multiplayer games should now be correct.
  • Prince, when played at the start of one's turn (like through Delay, Ghost, or Summon as examples), will now correctly allow one to play the set-aside card immediately.
  • Sauna and Avanto will now correctly allow Royal Carriage to be called on either card when used in a chain.
  • After using Snowy Village and running out of actions, players will no longer be able to use Villagers to play actions when they have Coins of the Realm on their Tavern mat.
  • Way of the Mouse will now allow Blacksmith (and other cards part of split piles) to be specified as the card set aside.
  • Oracle will allow the player to reorder any topdecked cards if used with Way of the Chameleon (where it could matter).
Various small fixes

  • The central game buttons will now preserve their order when wrapping into multiple rows, instead of reversing as they had been. This mostly affects squarer aspect ratios.
  • Astrolabe (and other duration treasures, like Merchant Ship under Capitalism) are now slightly more orange.
  • Tracker, Teacher, and Secret Cave were missing frames when under Capitalism. These have been added.


3 errata for cards that got errata'd very recently: Donate, Basilica & Colonnade

Donate now triggers at the start of your next turn, the Landmarks can only get you points in your buy phase


Sorry about missing some release notes here
Some card bugs fixed:
- Way of the Frog doesn't teleport cards unexpectedly (e.g. with Necromancer, cards will stay in the trash)
- Flagship will no longer stay out forever when used on an card affected by Enchantress
- Several bugged interactions between Reckless, Highwayman, Enchantress and Way of the Chameleon are fixed.
- Some bugged interactions with Reckless (e.g. with Reckless attacks, the "extra" instructions could not be reacted to by Moat) have been fixed.
Some visual fixes:
- Fixed cards sometimes disappearing after an undo
- Dividing line on card uses same color as text (change for Night cards)


Sorry I haven't posted here in a while. I'll try to keep this post more up to date with changes.
This version replaces Harem with Farm. It's the same card, but a new name and a new image.
This version enables the longer subscriptions in the store again. 18 months and 2 years were unavailable for a while.
A new contract with RGG games enables this.


fix Enchantress bug where an action played in some alternative way (like using a Way) wouldn't cancel the Enchantress effect for future action plays


- added autoplay for Shield (shared setting with Moat)
- Treasurys ability isn't needlessly duplicated anymore
- Cauldron checks the player gaining the actions
- Library removes the -1 card token


* Berserker now checks on resolution if there is an action in play, instead of on gain.
  For example if you buy a Berserker with no actions in play but a Duplicate on the tavern mat, calling the Duplicate will now result in both Berserkers being played.
* Spell Scroll no longer gets stuck if nothing is cheaper
* Cards revealed by tournament no longer are "temporarily in deck", thus messing with the point counter
* Wheelwrights gain is mandatory (there is still a choice on the discarding)
* Crop rotation will no longer pop up if you have no victory cards in hand
* Scepter checks the player of the played cards. (It used to allow you to replay cards that your opponent played on your turn)
* Horn & travellers no longer create double abilities when you go back and forth between phases. With cards like Villa and Cavalry a Peasant annoyingly resulted in a duplicated button, the Horn allowed you to topdeck multiple Border Guards.
* Butterfly autoplay will no longer get you stuck.


* fixing, Travellers would sometimes not upgrade
* changed the way Exorcist and Tournament reveal the spirits/prizes, which should make the animations for opponents/specs faster



Extra Turn rewordings
This is a text written by Donald X. about it:

I'm changing 6 of the extra turn cards - but not Seize the Day or Fleet - to just rule out three turns in a row completely. This is apropos of a reprint of Allies, which will also tweak the wording of Elder slightly for clarity. So here are all those texts. These changes can go public whenever; we don't need to tie it to the Allies reprint. Functionally they just lock out three turns in a row from happening, even with multiple kinds of extra-turn things; except, Seize the Day and Fleet aren't changed and could result in a one-time 3rd turn.

Elder: Action - Townsfolk, $5
You may play an Action card from your hand. When it gives you a choice of abilities (with "choose") this turn, you may choose an extra (different) option.

Outpost: Action - Duration, $5
You only draw 3 cards for your next hand. Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

Possession: Action, $6P
The player to your left takes an extra turn after this one (but not a 2nd extra turn in a row), in which you can see all cards they can and make all decisions for them. Any cards or D they would gain on that turn, you gain instead; any cards of theirs that are trashed are set aside and put in their discard pile at end of turn.

Mission: Event, $4
Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row), during which you can't buy cards. (You can still buy Events.)

Voyage: Action - Duration - Odyssey, $4
+1 Action
Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row), during which you can only play 3 cards from your hand.

Island Folk: Ally
At the end of your turn, you may spend 5 Favors to take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

Journey: Event, $4
You don't discard cards from play in Clean-up this turn. Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

Reworking cleanup
I've rewritten most of the cleanup code, fixing some more or less obscure bugs along the way.

* Alchemist could be topdecked when played with e.g. Way of the Pig.
* Merchant Camp could be topdecked when it wouldn't be discarded

prepare & Prince

Prepare playing a Treasure last could clash with other start-of-turn effects, trying and failing to merge the log lines and actually getting the game stuck as a result.


Fixing a recent bug with Reckless/Tireless on a Duration pile (or mouse-Duration) where Reckless would not return the card to its pile.



adds a new promo card Marchland
updated lookup table for ip address -> country (used when you purchase a sub)



* Added "Cornucopia & Guilds", which is the 2nd Edition of the combinatyion of the two old expansions. If you want to read about the card changes, go here

some minor fixes:
log fix: ratcather & enlarge would get their log lines mixed up
log fix: playing Clerk at start of turn looked weird, now a new line "reacts with Clerk, playing it" is also used for Sheepdog and Trail
poollevels fix: Village Green (10->6), Marchland (3->4), Bridge Troll (6->7), Werewolf (8->9)

Adding the automatch queue and table option for "extra 2nd edition" while removing "extra plunder"
Games using this will force 1 of the new 8 cards into your game, and possibly more show up at random.

visual fixes for the ferryman pile:
* if the Ferryman card is a rotating card, like Old Map, you can now click it to rotate.
* if the Ferryman card generates tokens on the pile, like Farmers Market, those tokens will be visible

* fixing magpie gaining magpie when there was no magpie pile (magpie from black market)
* 3+ player games Rewards pile wasn't stacked in the interface.
* Joust discarding province while Encampment returning to the Supply no longer gets the game stuck
* Coronet no longer allows to play Treasures using a Way
* Black Market now has Footpad and Joust on its banned cards list
* Marchland is back


Joust has it's reveal window where you pick a reward now public, meaning the log will indicate what your opponent takes.
Also right clicking the rewards pile or any Joust card will now show you the remaining contents of the Rewards pile, instead of all possible rewards.
Finally Black Market will now only contain loot cards if the kingdom already puts out loots for some reason


* fixed Infirmary using Way of the Mouse multiple times (used to get you stuck).
* fixed triggering EndOfTurn, EndOfThisTurn, BeginningOfCleanup, DuringCleanup on other players turn.
This fixed a lot of card interactions that could be started by e.g. Caravan Guard reaction, using Way of the Mouse playing Vassal, playing some Action card that did something later during their turn.
* fixed Journey; it used to discard your opponents cards.
* fixed Way of the mouse hand-picking a target card: before the fix that card could also appear in the kingdom



New version is up, that uses a different architecture.
It works fine, but unfortunately it may require you to clear your cache to connect.

How to do that depends on the browser you're using. You could search it on the web, or look here


too many problems with 1.8 for now, I've reverted back to