Aristocrat and Inheritance

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I suspect this isn't so much a bug as a counterintuitive behavior, but...

In a game with Inheritance I inherited an Aristocrat - expecting the Estates to now mimic Aristocrats. Instead it was confusing at first:
- I played an Estate - nothing happened except I now had no actions!
- On another turn I played an Aristocrat - +3 actions - then an Estate - but rather than give +3 cards as I'd expected I got another +3 actions
- if I managed two actual aristocrats then further estates would keep giving +3 cards which eventually won me the game! So, Yay.

What I worked out was that the aristocrat text of "if you have X aristocrats in play" does not treat Estates as actual aristocrats in play, but will instead reproduce the rewards of the number of ACTUAL aristocrats in play. Logical once I worked it out, but a little ambiguous and very confusing at first.

Still love inheritance... :)


Yes, the interaction of Aristocrats with Inheritance and Prince is not what one may initially expect.

Since Estates (and Overlords,...) no longer take on the name of the card, Aristocrat's effect counting cards with that name will not take those into account.