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Messages - Ingix

Card Bugs / Re: Mastermind able to play Shadow card
06 November 2024, 06:50:00 PM
That's how it is supposed to work (though I agree it may not be clear without clarification). The Rising Sun rulebook says in the Shadow section:

QuoteWhen a card like Throne Room tells you to play a card from your hand, you can use that opportunity to play a Shadow card from your deck.
Support / Re: Please delete my account
01 November 2024, 05:26:11 PM
Moved to direct messages.
Support / Re: Please delete my account
31 October 2024, 08:38:32 AM
General Discussion / Re: Server not available
31 October 2024, 08:34:55 AM
Yes, there was a problem roughly an hour before which was fixed by server restarts. I guess that since servers automatically change roles every hour, something went wrong there as well, but it seems to have been fixed or fixed itself in short time.
Support / Re: Please delete my account
30 October 2024, 05:45:19 PM
How to Play / Re: Question re: Turn Totals and Fleet
30 October 2024, 05:44:56 PM
For tie purposes, the Fleet extra turn(s) do not count, same as Outpost and all the other extra turn cards and efffects that came afterwards.

So the game handled that correctly.
Thanks for the detailed report.

We get problems with country misidentification from time to time. It seems the VPNs have some lingering effect, possibly to do with DNS (we have similar problems at work). But it looks like you could resolve that problem.

You are the second person to say that around the time you posted only the HTML source code was visible. I assume that was a temporary problem of the Mollie website, as roughly one hour later it worked normal again, as tested by me and the other person (they asked on discord).

So I suggest you try again (I just checked again and Mollie is working).
Thanks for the report. This is a bug we are ware of since just a few days.

The Divine Wind was not the cause, but your opponent playing a River Shrine during Clean-Up the turn before. The theory is that the gaining of a card for that playing of River Shrine during Clean-up gets delay to the next turn, where the game then stops.
Support / Re: Subscription problems. Help please
28 October 2024, 08:55:13 AM
I assume you are the same player that posted on discord around the same time with similar wording (which has in the mean time been resolved).

If not, please send me (via response here or direct message) your in-game name, so I can check what happened.
Support / Re: Please delete my account
27 October 2024, 12:51:03 PM
fragglerock: Done
Verena14   : Done
That sounds as if one server went down. Of course, in that case the other server ideally shouldn't refuse new games.
See it from the other player's side. They lost, they know it and they watch helplessly as you go through the plays they know you can do to win. And then players tend to get as many points as possible, prolonging the last turn needlessly (from the loosing players point of view) by getting more coin and buys to get additional VP.

Remember that the person on the other side of an automatch is not your friend. They don't witness a friend getting an incredible turn, they see someone who wastes their time (and getting the VP piled on against you is of course also a slightly demotivating experience), so they end it. If you want to have your moment in the sun, continue the game with a bot. It is patient.
Support / Re: Please delete my account
24 October 2024, 07:10:50 PM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
23 October 2024, 06:56:30 PM