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Support / Connection issues
Last post by jkommelb - 25 November 2024, 02:13:58 PM
I got booted from a game and now can't reconnect.  Seems like the servers are shot again
General Discussion / Re: programers are cheating th...
Last post by Ingix - 19 November 2024, 06:18:54 PM
Would you be willing to tell what your account name is, so at least the "2nd player percentage" can be checked?

I have a full subscription, but games are unfortunately crashing for everyone, from time to time.

Every player gets $7 when they want $8, from time to time. I also get 3 terminal cards and no Village in my hand, if I'm unlucky and or have not bought enough Villages.

> getting bought action cards 1-2 rounds later or never

Bought cards go to the discard pile and you can draw them only after the next shuffle. If your deck is big and there is no good draw in the kingdom, that can take many turns. If you buy something turn 1/2 you should normally draw it for turn 3 or 4, but having 12 cards in the deck means that 2 cards you'll only see on turn 5. You hope it is Estates, but sometimes it is one card you bought.
General Discussion / programers are cheating the ba...
Last post by pa4 - 19 November 2024, 04:59:30 PM
I have a feeling that basic members are

- 80% start the game at second player, already this makes me losing a lot of games
- getting bought action cards 1-2 rounds later or never
- getting stupid card constellations
- getting money , eg. 7 mostly useless, or 4 when there are no cards with 4
- getting cars they do not need
- games are crashing, if they are nearly winning

and a lot of disadvantages more ....

is there no honor here?
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Ingix - 18 November 2024, 11:40:51 AM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by lav - 18 November 2024, 02:29:09 AM
Please delete both this account and my Dominion online account. My username is lav on both. Thank you.
Card Bugs / Re: Divine Wind bug
Last post by Ingix - 17 November 2024, 09:15:57 PM
Divine Wind + Capitalism is a potential problem, if either player has it when Divine Wind triggers. That's what looks like caused the problem here.
Card Bugs / Divine Wind bug
Last post by jochadwi - 17 November 2024, 04:33:17 PM
Game #154061938
This one got hung up after divine wind triggered. Player on whose turn it flipped to new deck was stuck on "buy" phase -- after all buys used and was unable to end the turn. Refresh by both players did not solve issue.
Support / Changing username
Last post by TheRedbullDozer - 15 November 2024, 03:06:46 AM
Can you please make a way to change my username. There was a typo and I'd like to fix it
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Ingix - 13 November 2024, 10:25:03 AM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by bootus - 13 November 2024, 03:28:09 AM
Please delete my account. username: B_OOTUS. Thanks!