Not possible to start 3 player game with 2 bots

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I can not start a 3 player game with 2 bots when player range is min 2 max 3.
It works when player range is min 3 max 3.


When I click to "Ready" nothing happens.

Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit)
Xubuntu 16.04.2


I had a similar issue yesterday: I had my table size set to 3-4 (just planning to play bots), added 3 bots then kicked Revenge Witch (I love the new Add Bot feature because it allows me to do this :) -- I just hate the name "Revenge" Witch >:( -- I think it's creepy, offensive, and sexist and really wish you would remove it as the default 2nd Bot addition), then a human player joined my table and clicked Ready and I thought "why not" so I clicked Ready repeatedly and nothing happened, even when all players were listed as Ready. (I've had no trouble starting with a range 3-4 against 2 bots.) (Win 10 desktop)


@ffejselur "Revenge Witch" is an inside joke referencing a certain spam post on the Dominion strategy forums. Anyway, in the setting of a middle ages / fantasy themed game, I don't see how it would be offensive (or sexist). Eventually, there should be more bots to choose from.


Quote from: LibraryAdventurer on 12 February 2017, 12:54:40 AM
@ffejselur "Revenge Witch" is an inside joke referencing a certain spam post on the Dominion strategy forums. Anyway, in the setting of a middle ages / fantasy themed game, I don't see how it would be offensive (or sexist). Eventually, there should be more bots to choose from.
Do you have a link?


Names of the bots:
Lord Rattington
Revenge Witch
Lord Voldebot
Bad Advisor
Scout Rush

I LOL'd at Scout Rush, especially since that was an actual issue for the Goko AI at one time.


Quote from: LibraryAdventurer on 12 February 2017, 12:54:40 AM
@ffejselur "Revenge Witch" is an inside joke referencing a certain spam post on the Dominion strategy forums. Anyway, in the setting of a middle ages / fantasy themed game, I don't see how it would be offensive (or sexist). Eventually, there should be more bots to choose from.

Seems like it would be smart to change the name if someone using the client is actually offended by it. Certainly seems better than telling them they shouldn't be offended.


Quote from: AdamH on 13 February 2017, 01:47:55 PM
Quote from: LibraryAdventurer on 12 February 2017, 12:54:40 AM
@ffejselur "Revenge Witch" is an inside joke referencing a certain spam post on the Dominion strategy forums. Anyway, in the setting of a middle ages / fantasy themed game, I don't see how it would be offensive (or sexist). Eventually, there should be more bots to choose from.

Seems like it would be smart to change the name if someone using the client is actually offended by it. Certainly seems better than telling them they shouldn't be offended.
Sounds like a really lame thing to be offended by, but if it's seriously a problem then it should be changed.


Given the default bot order, I only knew of Lord Rat and RW, then Lord V until given the whole list (thanks @Dwedit).

The "sexist" thing: this is not an issue for me in any way personally, but I live in hypersensitive America and it's hard not to think someone out there hasn't thought "Well the male bots are 'Lords' but the female bot's not only a 'Witch', but a 'Revenge Witch'. What's up with that?" That's just a side issue -- wish I hadn't mentioned it.

The "offensive" thing: I'm facing a health challenge and much of the time only feel up to playing bots. I prefer the 3p game, so I mostly play against 2 bots. @Watno's link to the thread showing Revenge Witch is basically the name of a site advertising occult services hopefully demonstrates why its use might make some uncomfortable, although I can also understand why others could see it as merely an inside joke. When I play Dominion, I would prefer to just play, not to battle a "Revenge Witch". I totally understand how most will see things differently and when I used the term "offensive" let me be clear that I just meant offensive to my own conscience, in other words difficult for me -- I'm not saying Si has done something wrong or should've known better, etc. My own last name is a title first given to a medieval Saxon warlord, so I get the medieval theme, really.

Has the name RW contributed to why I've only signed up for a month at a time and partly felt bad about doing so at all? Yes, it has. Would I feel better if Lord V were the default 2nd bot added? Yes, I would -- just being honest, here (although again, I appreciate the new workaround). Do I understand others considering that lame? Yes, I do -- but that's ok, I can handle it. If nothing else, Si's Dominion has been an interesting cultural experience interacting with others around the world I will always appreciate. I had no idea my post would engender so much discussion -- I really appreciate all the responses. (I probably won't post anymore for a while though -- too stressful for me right now, thanks.)