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Quote from: sudhish86 on 24 September 2018, 12:44:01 PM
my only concern is that I get blacklisted by people weekly for not accepting every undo request or not caring that I take a while on complex hands.

I don't want to get reported for more than what I am doing. I fear the report thing could be abused.
Don't worry. People are free to blacklist you, if they don't like you denying undos.
But that is not a reason to get banned - and nobody gets banned just for the number of blacklist appearances.

Mike Thicke

Quote from: sudhish86 on 24 September 2018, 12:44:01 PM
my only concern is that I get blacklisted by people weekly for not accepting every undo request or not caring that I take a while on complex hands.

I don't want to get reported for more than what I am doing. I fear the report thing could be abused.

This is exactly why I want there to be a distinction between blacklisted and being reported for abusive behavior. If you deny my undo, 99% chance I will blacklist you, but it's not because I think you should be punished.


+1 to giving an option for making a distinction between blacklisting due to abusive behavior and blacklisting due to personal preference. As Mike Thicke says, I often will blacklist players for reasons that they definitely should not be banned for, like denying an undo that I feel should be valid. I probably blacklist about 5 times as many people as I think should actually be banned.

But I'd really like to send a stronger signal to admins when there's abusive play. Just today I played against "HumbleMatt" (who is a paying player and has the expansions) and he started to slow-roll and say abusive things after I started winning. I imagine that he doesn't do this to everyone he plays against, which means admins may not get enough of a signal to actually ban him. This is unfortunate, as I think we should be dealing with this kind of behavior much more aggressively.


The idea is to blacklist for personal reasons like denied undo, actual slow playing (meaning taking more time to think than you think is warranted, not waiting 3:59 between 5 Copper plays).

If the player is doing something that you think warrants a penalty (extremely rude or harassing comments, waiting 3:59 between 5 Copper plays,...) then you blacklist them anyway *and* report them, either on discord or here, preferably by PM to me or you ask around and I and others usually see the question in due time and respond. Make screenshots if possible, but at least of course remember the game number(s) and the opponent's name.


Quote from: Ingix on 10 January 2019, 09:52:36 AM
The idea is to blacklist for personal reasons like denied undo, actual slow playing (meaning taking more time to think than you think is warranted, not waiting 3:59 between 5 Copper plays).

If the player is doing something that you think warrants a penalty (extremely rude or harassing comments, waiting 3:59 between 5 Copper plays,...) then you blacklist them anyway *and* report them, either on discord or here, preferably by PM to me or you ask around and I and others usually see the question in due time and respond. Make screenshots if possible, but at least of course remember the game number(s) and the opponent's name.

This sounds fine, but the only indication of anything at all that you have on the client is a button with a lightning bolt on it, which doesn't even say what it does. There needs to be a button that's actually labeled "blacklist" and then once you blacklist someone you pop up a link or something to a place where they can be reported if desired.

Saying that the system works is kind of a stretch when nothing is labeled. If you just label things then the system actually works.


Glad to hear that you are open to receiving reports, Ingix. However, as Adam says, this really isn't discoverable; I've been playing since shuffleit launched Dominion (3 years?) and I'm only just now finding out that messaging you is an option for reporting bad behavior; IIRC in past discussions about this on the forum, people had said that blacklisting was the only way to do it and that admins reviewed the most blacklisted users. Putting this into the game UI would help a lot! Thank you.



I would like to request a ban for a player(sadeas5) who told me to go die.
I have read the forum and found out that he said the same thing to VARMENDRION.

Thank you for looking into the matter.


As may be guessed from the number at the end of sadeas' name, that is not that player's first account, and I received multiple complaints about their behaviour in the past. As I wrote elsewhere, banning accounts is easy, banning players is harder.


Quote from: Ingix on 13 March 2019, 10:24:49 PM
I received multiple complaints about their behaviour in the past.
It should take someone with basic admin access to the database all of 5 seconds to ban a user. You have received multiple complaints about this user but nothing was done, and now players like me have to continue to deal with their pathetic temper tantrums because no one can be bothered to ban them. I understand they will probably make another account, but they should not feel that there are no repercussions for their actions.


I understand your frustration, but the point, as explained in the other tread, is that that player will make a new account when this one is banned, and everybody's blacklist becomes useless against that player. You have to deal with that player/account only once, then you blacklist them and move on.

I wish there was a better solution that was somehow able to 'detect' the person behind a (new) account. I (and I think others) don't know any that wouldn't also falsely affect lot's of innocent players.


QuoteI wish there was a better solution that was somehow able to 'detect' the person behind a (new) account.

How about this: check the IP address for new accounts. If it's the same as a previously banned player, put them on probation of some sort - maybe have some sort of human verification off the bat or at an early opportunity. There really aren't that many bad actors out there. Sure, you're going to end up playing whack-a-mole with them until they get bored, but is that worse that turning off new players who arrive wanting to join the platform?

It's a matter of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. The vast majority of new players have no idea how to report the bad behavior. Sure, it's more efficient for a few "in the know" players to simply ban and not have to worry about a particular bad actor again, but that just means that he moves on to other players who don't know their options.

This whole enterprise already has a clubby, unwelcoming feel. Just look at the home page. It's not a site I ever recommend to other people, even though I have figured out how to make it enjoyable for myself. Bad experiences in a chat that you can't even turn off is just icing on the cake.


1) I wholeheartedly agree with adding a reporting feature, especially when it comes to folks intentionally being obnoxious or abusive.  There's no reason to let that go on.

2) A mute button on the chat would be nice too.  I could have used it when I didn't want to resign the game with someone who was being abusive without having to keep seeing them send message after message until the game was over and they left the table. 

3) Differentiating between blocks for preference vs blocks for abusive behavior is a fantastic idea.

4) It wouldn't be that hard to look at the game logs and see if someone was abusing the reporting feature.  It can just be another indication to the admin to take a closer look at what happened if they get an abuse report.


+1 to Jacob Marley's comment.  That is a pretty damned good idea.


Hey look who's back! Never encountered him before but from a quick search here it seems like this dude might be the single worst repeat offender on this site. Up to Account #7 lol, what a sore loser. 8)

All y'all that don't like running into this guy should probably go ahead and manually add "Sadeas7" to your ban list if you haven't already. Screenshot of his hate speech attached.

Cheers go out to the overwhelming majority of players that don't go off on angry tirades every single time they lose.  ;)