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Topics - blamelewis

When Highwayman is played, and the victim's Buy phase begins the treasures change to reinforce that the first one played will do nothing.

However I'm finding this makes it almost impossible to play - sure, the name of the treasure is there, but somewhere between my visual thinking and some sort of mental processing issue this slows me down to a crawl - I have to stop, carefully read the card titles and then think about which to play first, "Aargh what? Which one is copper now?" It's possible, but it's horrible!

I appreciate the visual reminder that the treasures are behaving differently, but it's too much - the ugly black box blocking out the value looks like a glitch, and the complete change of artwork and colour short circuits something in my silly brain and I just can't process what I'm seeing.

I've checked this in Safari - my default browser - and in Chrome, and because it's in both I'm guessing it's a deliberate choice rather than a glitch?

Pleeeeeeease can this be changed - if at least the treasures retained the top half of their artwork and - crucially - colour it'd help immeasurably! Maybe the card text could be crossed out rather than blocked out? A change to the card, rather than something that looks like a totally different card...

An autoplay option for highwayman along the lines of "check before discarding better treasures" might be good too?

Card Bugs / Aristocrat and Inheritance
31 January 2025, 06:08:30 PM
I suspect this isn't so much a bug as a counterintuitive behavior, but...

In a game with Inheritance I inherited an Aristocrat - expecting the Estates to now mimic Aristocrats. Instead it was confusing at first:
- I played an Estate - nothing happened except I now had no actions!
- On another turn I played an Aristocrat - +3 actions - then an Estate - but rather than give +3 cards as I'd expected I got another +3 actions
- if I managed two actual aristocrats then further estates would keep giving +3 cards which eventually won me the game! So, Yay.

What I worked out was that the aristocrat text of "if you have X aristocrats in play" does not treat Estates as actual aristocrats in play, but will instead reproduce the rewards of the number of ACTUAL aristocrats in play. Logical once I worked it out, but a little ambiguous and very confusing at first.

Still love inheritance... :)
Hello, just finished a game with Divine Wind, Defiled Shrine and Temple.

All was well until the Prophecy triggered (as is so often the case ;)

After the Divine Wind kicked in and changed the Kingdom Cards all the remaining VP tokens set up by Defiled Shrine were no longer visible. Also tokens placed on Temple (one of the second set of Kingdom cards) did not show up.

The game still "saw" them, as they would be gained as usual by buying a new temple.

My opponent and I were both using the Safari browser, and neither of us could see the tokens.

Lastly when the last province was bought the game end didn't trigger - I still showed as having Buys but couldn't buy anything or end buys - the cards didn't have the "plus" to show them as buyable. I refreshed the page and came back to the search screen.

Two bugs in one? Or something related?


Screenshots attached.

just renewed my subscription and dismayed to be unable to use it - cannot get the login button to respond, and the incognito window / kick and resign fix doesn't work either.

I've tried Chrome and safari...


I just wanted to express my appreciation for the hard work of those running - I'm valuing the game more than ever and online play is of course such a nice thing to have access to while in lockdown.

So, um. Thanks!

I have a hard time remembering which are "command" cards - it'd be nice if Captain could show when right clicked all the compatible cards from the current Kingdom - same goes for any other cards referencing command or non command cards.


While I'm loving the new cards and appreciate the chance to try them in the previews, I've serious reservations about the interface for Ways.

It seems counter intuitive to use the bottom half of the card - where the description of its normal effect is - to trigger the alternative effect of the Way, I think it makes more sense that the text should do what the text says when clicked on, and the picture be used for the Way.

Thanks for all the hard work with the new cards.
Hi folks,

played two games with Inheritance today and neither had the Estates showing the inherited card, as they did previously - indeed no way I could see to be reminded of what card you'd inherited!


Support / Can't get into a game...
02 February 2018, 01:48:12 AM
So... weirdness...

I log in, I go to matching and click "Start Search"
Instead of going to the pregame screen I'm taken to a "New Table" with another player - but if they're ready and I click ready it says "already starting" and nothing happens...

I think it also happens the other way round...


General Discussion / Early "gg" - Utterly minor gripe!
20 January 2018, 12:40:19 AM
So trivial.... but it does bug me a little when folks post "gg" on my turn *before* the game has actually ended.
Sure sometimes I do go on to win, which seems to be what they're assuming, but not always by any means...
...and then my natural paranoia goes "what have I missed???" :)

Does this bother anyone else?
I think that's what happened:

game: #10624918

Turn 19 - blamelewis
b plays a Herbalist.
Herbalist is enchanted by Enchantress
b draws a Farmland.
b plays 3 Coppers and a Silver.
b buys and gains a Duchy.
b topdecks a Silver.
b draws a Silver, an Estate, a Smugglers, a Scrying Pool and a Farmland.
Card Texts problems / Idol in log says "gain a Idol"
03 January 2018, 12:48:17 AM
...which should of course read "Gain an Idol"

General Discussion / Thanks!
21 December 2017, 11:47:04 PM

just wanted to post, in a flush of festive-season goodwill, my thanks to Stef and everyone else at ShuffleIT for all your hard work in making Dominion playable online...

I've just got into this amazing game in the last year, and while the physical cards are great fun it's been through this site that I've truly learned to play. For a long time, this game held the exalted position of being my "favourite game I'm no good at" but now I think I've risen to the level of my own incompetence in the rankings, and now don't lose *every* time :)

So happy holidays etc to everyone, and thanks for all the hard work and continual improvements over the year... here's to next!

Hi, I can't see when having more than one Champion might be useful (though as there always seem to be exceptions to everything in Dominion I'd love to hear if anyone knows of such a time...)

But given that for the most part one champion is enough, how about an option on the autoplay for Hero saying "exchange once" - so after you've exchanged one for a champion it reverts to default keep?


Card Bugs / Summon Skulk bug?
16 November 2017, 05:18:09 PM
game #8756290 on frankfurt.

"b plays a Catapult.
b trashes a Copper.
c discards a card and a Copper.
b plays 2 Coppers and a Gold.
b buys a Summon.
b gains a Skulk.
b gains a Gold.
Summon loses track of Skulk (it was covered up)."

Nothing in the wording of Summon suggests that gaining the gold on top of the Skulk should prevent it being set aside!

the warning that you'll trash an opponent's knight if you choose to trash your own is welcome - however there's a bug in the log for this - maybe it's showing a variable name rather than the text of the card name?

Screenshot attached...

Also - in general I think the interface could help make these things more explicit by phrasing it like so:
"You'll trash (opponent's name)'s Sir Vander..." etc...

- as with my previous thing about being confused at being asked to trash a card from (my username's initial) rather than the much more straightforward "choose one of YOUR cards to trash" I think some plain language here about whose cards you're affecting would help a great deal...



just a text issue on the log,

See screenshot...

I play Band of Misfits as Procession, then "process" a Pirate Ship. Coin of the Realm is also on my Tavern Mat and so the log reads:
"You PLAY_INSTRUCTIONS a Pirate Ship and...
- Call Coin of the Realm"

Everything worked as it should I think... but the indenting is getting very extreme and makes the log hard to read.
It maybe a factor that the Band of Misfits was played by a Herald?


Interface Issues / Minty spoils
04 October 2017, 02:35:07 AM
I think since Mint doesn't let you gain a spoils then you shouldn't be able to *select* spoils after playing mint...

I know this is just my misunderstanding which treasures Mint can act on, but the interface could certainly help...


Other Bugs / Vanishing game
02 October 2017, 03:36:00 PM

today I was in the early stages of a game - I didn't note the number or opponent, sorry.

My opponent was inactive for a while and (as I usually do in these circumstances) I refreshed my browser page to see if anything had locked up at my end.

Instead of the usual behaviour of reconnecting to the game in progress I found myself at the login screen, and then when I logged in there was no sign of the game!

furthermore I couldn't find a record of it on the "scavenger" tool that records game results.

All I can recall is that it was before game #7380589

Interface Issues / Rogue Rant
16 September 2017, 03:26:52 AM

I know it's my own stupid fault, but twice now I've been mislead by the text that comes up when an opponent plays a Rogue and I have two possible cards to trash.

Because it says "Trash a card from B" (the first letter of my username) and NOT something obvious like "Trash one of YOUR cards" I've mistakenly clicked on a card thinking I was trashing an opponents...

I know if I were paying more attention this wouldn't fool me but something about the way the text is just implies it's not MY card... can this be fixed? - I think it's badly phrased. Why is it

end rant!

Actually, no! While I'm on the subject I think it's easy to miss what has been trashed from your deck when it's only noted in the log - as in the case of Rogue when there's only one card to Trash. It's easy to miss as it flies past in the log. Maybe a highlight for trashes would be more noticeable?

actual end of rant(s) now :)
