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How to report bugs

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Thanks for the report, thecourtjester!

The rating seems to be stuck since they day before yesterday. I've notified the developer.

Your rated games are not lost, they'll be incorporated once the problem has been resolved.


For the last week or so, I've been getting some garbage graphics when playing the game.

System:  Windows 10
Browser:  Google Chrome


Well, that didn't work very well.  I can paste it in a text editor, but for some reason I can't paste it here.

Please advise.  "Computer" is not my first language. 


I guess what you had was that some cards had a "rainbow" patttern where normally their yellow frame (Treasure cards), white frame (Action cards) etc. was.

You are not the only one with this problem. Due to Chrome being constantly updated and this being done mostly invisbly to users, if a bug comes up, you don't know where it's from. A comparison showed that it only affected Chrome users, so it is very likely a bug introduced by Chrome. Further inverstigation showed that it is related to using hardware accelleration for graphics, which means it also depends on the exact graphics cards you have.

What can you do:

1) Nothing, wait until the folks at Google fix the bug. This has happened in the past with other bugs as well.

2) Turn off hardware accelleration for the graphics card in Chrome. A step to step guide can be found at this website. I can understand that it may feel intimidating, so only do that if you are comfortable with that.

3) Use a not Chrome based browser, like Firefox, to play Dominion until the bug in Chrome is fixed. Since you are using Windows 10, you can also try Microsoft Edge.


Joining game #98154774 on tokyo.

Toward the end of the game, probably my second or third to last turn, I trashed a Bishop with another Bishop.  The two VP's that should have been awarded for trashing the Bishop were not awarded.

Replaying the same table on a new game:  Joining game #98156893 on ohio.

Game says:  "Turn 4 - louled l plays a Bishop. l gets +$1. l gets 1 VP. l trashes an Estate. l gets 1 VP."

  What actually happened: when the Estate was trashed, my VP counter incremented 1, but score did not.

Game says:  "Turn 8 - louled l plays a Fortress. l draws a Bishop. l gets +2 Actions. l plays a Bishop. l gets +$1. l gets 1 VP. l trashes an Estate. l gets 1 VP."

  What actually happened: when the Estate was trashed, my VP counter incremented 1, but score did not.

Game says:  "Turn 9 - louled l plays a Bishop. l gets +$1. l gets 1 VP. l trashes an Estate. l gets 1 VP."

    What actually happened: when the Estate was trashed, my VP counter incremented 1, but score did not.

Game says:  "Turn 13 - louled l plays a Fortress. l draws a Copper. l gets +2 Actions. l plays a Fortress. l draws a Bishop. l gets +2 Actions. l plays a Bishop. l gets +$1. l gets 1 VP. l trashes an Estate. l gets 1 VP."

    What actually happened: when the Estate was trashed, my VP counter incremented 1, but score did not.

Game says:  "Turn 14 - louled l plays a Fortress. l draws a Bishop. l gets +2 Actions. l plays a Bishop. l gets +$1. l gets 1 VP. l trashes a Bishop. l gets 2 VP."

    What actually happened: when the Bishop was trashed, my VP counter incremented 1, but score did not.


What happened is correct. When checking it seems you fell into a trap that I also fall into from time to time: A mismatch between the baseline from theoretical consideration to practical experiment.

I reloaded game 98156893 as well, turn 4. For the 3 pictures, you may need to scroll the posting horizontally, but I wanted to capture the whole state, from point totals on the left to log on the right, in one screen shot each.

Here is the baseline of the theoretcial consideration:
Before you start playing Bishop, you have 5 VP, including 0 VP token:

After you play the Bishop, but before you select what to trash, the game already executes the part that is supposed to happen before the trash, giving you +$1 and +1 VP token:

After you select the Estate to trash, the game does the rest, it gives you the additional +1VP token, but adjusts your overall VP count for the now missing Estate:

The error I am sometimes making, and which I suspect you did as well, was to disregard the first picture when actually playing, and only compare the second and third one, which does not show an increase in overall VP. Which is correct, for the time period considered, which is after you already got the the initial +1VP token from Bishop


I agree on the trashing of the Estates (one VP gain and one VP lost), however it stills seems that the game did not credit the two VP's that should have come from the trashing of the Bishop (e.g., turn 14 of game 98156893).


Bishop was the Oblisk card of the game. So trashing it also lead to a reduction of your point total by 2, offsetting the +2 VP from Bishop for trashing a $4 card.



Hi gang,

Not sure how this works. But when I make a new table, says I have "too many kingdom cards," with this kingdom in the screenshot. DO you guys know why it says that?


That problem has come up when all or almost all cards have been preselected. It's a bug, but unfortunately it's unclear what the cause is and when exactly it happens.  :(

In this case the reason is a bug that makes the client not recognize that Wizards contain a Liaison, so it doesn't complain when you leave no room for an Ally. Then the server complains with that cryptic message. This problem is fixed in a playtest version, but for now you have to add a slot that may contain an Ally.


Joining game #104273954 on ohio.

Turn 8, Lord Rattington froze after playing Swashbuckler, two Coppers and a Fortune. I have tried going back a few steps, but the same thing happens again.


Thanks for the report!

I can guess what the problem is (the Coffers received from Swashbuckler confuse it with Fortune).


I was playing a game with Bauble, and when I played the Bauble I got the prompt to choose two things ("Done Choosing" grayed out in the center of the screen with "2" highlighted) but the options didn't appear on the right side. See screen shot.

I'm using Chrome 108.0.5359.125 on Windows 10.


Yes, version 1.7. had bugs with Bauble and Desert Guids (less noticible). They have been fixed in the meantime


This is a pretty disorganized way to do things compared to GitHub issues or a report bug button in the game itself that automatically includes the game number and server in the report...