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Messages - Dwedit

Seeing this happen again:

        value: function createUniqueInitials() {
            var players =;
            players.sort(function (a, b) {
            var previousPrefix = 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < players.length - 1; i++) {
                var prefix = 1;
                for (; prefix < players[i].name.length; prefix++) {
                    if (players[i].name[prefix - 1].toLowerCase() !== players[i + 1].name[prefix - 1].toLowerCase()) break;
                players[i].initials = players[i].name.slice(0, Math.max(previousPrefix, prefix));
                previousPrefix = prefix;

Upon entering this function, the array `` contains two elements.[0].name = undefined[1].name = "Dwedit"

Then it crashes when it attempts to sort the players, and the game never starts.


It is actually possible to manually get past this one:

* Set a JavaScript breakpoint at the `var players =;` line
* Go to Console, and assign `[0].name = "OPPONENT"` (if players[0] was the one without a name)
* Resume execution

When I finally got past it, I saw a "make opponent resign" prompt.  The opponent was probably was having issues too.
Started getting "Server doesn't allow new games" at 9PM EST whenever trying to start a new game, even after reloading.
I first noticed a bug like that on Aug 15.  That bug was the one that made me see a "Force opponent to resign?" prompt despite both players being active in the game.  I've never taken the force-resign action.
Saw it happen once more.
I just had a game where it appeared to start, but then it suddenly went to the Table view instead.  After I reloaded, it went back to the game.
Got exception on the "return;" line

        key: "createUniqueInitials",
        value: function createUniqueInitials() {
            var players =;
            players.sort(function (a, b) {
            var previousPrefix = 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < players.length - 1; i++) {
                var prefix = 1;
                for (; prefix < players[i].name.length; prefix++) {
                    if (players[i].name[prefix - 1].toLowerCase() !== players[i + 1].name[prefix - 1].toLowerCase()) break;
                players[i].initials = players[i].name.slice(0, Math.max(previousPrefix, prefix));
                previousPrefix = prefix;
            if (players.length > 1 && players[players.length - 2].name.length === previousPrefix) previousPrefix += 1;
            players[players.length - 1].initials = players[players.length - 1].name.slice(0, previousPrefix);
            players.sort(function (a, b) {
                return a.index - b.index;
Somehow I got a prompt where the opponent requested to undo -17 (a negative number) moves.  I saw that, then reloaded the game.  The message changed to say undo 1 move.
Feature Requests / Autoplay for Sickness
28 September 2024, 01:12:56 AM
For Sickness, there ought to be an autoplay option for "fail to gain a curse", like Torturer.  For kingdoms where discarding is never good, it could be a click saver.
You mentioned deleting, are you talking about the App version of the game that's done by another company?
Bug Reports / Internal Error
09 September 2024, 09:10:56 PM
First joined an automatched game
Heard sound effect for starting a game, game doesn't actually start
Reloaded, it attempted to rejoin the game, and also saw "Internal Error" in the corner of the screen.
Reloaded a few more times, picking "Return to Lobby".  Attempted to join another automatched game, got a "You are already in a game" error
Reloaded again, see the Table screen
This is rather new, I don't know if this is a bug or not.

After exiting from an automatch table, you can see the "Looking for opponent" continue to update and animate, but it stops several seconds later.
Feature Requests / Re: Auto-Stacker for Rabble
26 August 2024, 07:20:26 AM
Night cards also get topdecked by Rabble.
Command cards leave it where it is, and it's not in play.  So you get nothing because there aren't any in play.
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
24 August 2024, 06:46:10 PM
Just saw it happen again, it was after switching from a resigning human to continue the game, and not during the hourly transition between reboots.