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Version 1.1.2

  • Client-side reconnect: when you log in, a session token is kept in local storage that will automatically log you in the next time you enter the page. To prevent this from happening (e.g. because you share your device with other people), you can click "Logout" in the bottom right of the lobby page.
  • The journey token is now visible in players' info bars. Note that it behaves differently from the Making Fun version: if it's colored, this means on the next play you will get the big journey bonus; if it's grayed out, you will not.
  • Add sounds to the score screen to accompany your game result.
  • Fix: Tiny reveal windows under certain aspect ratios.
  • Fix: BoM and Overlord don't show the types of the impersonated card.
  • Fix: Games with bots with minplayers < maxplayers refused to start.

Additional minor changes:

  • Version number now links to release notes.
  • Change ready text for bots to 'Bot Ready'.
  • Change 'Cancel' to 'Cancel & Resign' on reconnecting screen.


Fix: games containing Black Market refused to start.


Version 1.1.3

  • Inbox for (system) messages.
  • The journey token's face up symbol is now the colored boot, whereas face down is represented by a green circle.
  • Fix: Quest adds journey token to game.
  • Fix: Buying Ruins with Embargo in kingdom would freeze the game.
  • Fix: Can't execute Ghost Ship, Governor actions during a Possession turn.
  • Fix: Undo request and timeout offer ownership issues during Possession turns.
  • Fix: Right clicking on a cardname in the endscreen log doesn't work.
  • Fix: Inspecting an Event or Landmark from the log makes it show up malformed.
  • Fix: Version links to first rather than last page in release notes thread.


Version 1.1.4

  • German translation.
  • Added link to FAQ in lobby menu.
  • Rewrite URL after signing up or logging in with temporary code.
  • Fix: Pre-game chat doesn't work.
  • Fix: Navigator and Survivors with a single card left would automatically topdeck it.


Version 1.2

  • Ratings, Leaderboard. (see here)
  • Inheritance
  • Fix: status bar referenced previous game on first join
  • Fix: champion after enchantress
  • Fix: already logged instead of loop
  • Several fixes to German translations


Version 1.2.1

  • Fix: Stop AI from trashing its own points
  • Fix: unrated automatched games should respect familiar cards
  • Fix: reconnect as spectator sometimes failed
  • Fix: champion/hireling after enchantress (2nd attempt :()


Version 1.2.2

  • Fix: tower shows points on endgame screen
  • Fix: some inheritance image-change bugs
  • Fix: leaderboard updated
  • visual fix: familiar cards table rule not updating when rated game is toggled
  • Fix: faster loading of end-game log
  • Updates to German translations

The 3-4 player leaderboard was not updated today, but those results are not lost and will be processed tomorrow.


Version 1.2.3

  • Notification sounds when it's your time to act
  • Options to disable sounds
  • Automatch queue: better purging of disconnected users
  • Connecting to the gameserver: progress shown
  • Fix: treasure hunter looks at player to the right (was left)
  • Fix: develop combined with when-would replacements (possession/trader)
  • Fix: visual on Overloard, sometimes it looked like it was inherited (on reload/undo)
  • Fix: Hunting party logging: revealed hand no longer mixed in with revealed from deck
  • Updates to German translations


Version 1.2.4

  • you have a personal blacklist; you can find it next to your friendlist.
  • after a game you can directly add players as friend and/or blacklisted
  • "rated games" & "replay" exclude eachother
  • 3/4P rated games now show 3/4P ratings in the log (was 2P ratings)
  • friend list tab looks nicer
  • new sound when it's your time to act

When you blacklist a person, you will not be automatched with them, they cannot join tables you're hosting and they can't see your online status (even when they befriend you and you allow followers to see your status).


Version 1.2.5

  • Improved Tables page. The list is now sortable by column and includes some basic filters. The top 50 tables that match your selection criteria are shown .
  • Fix: Reacting with Caravan Guard would update the active player's play counters.
  • Fix: Playing a reserve card with a called copy in play led to the wrong counter value.
  • Fix: Playing Possession would clear the log.
  • Fix: Rematches sometimes not starting properly.


Version 1.2.6
Improved automatcher:

  • Allows for 3 player matching.
  • Advanced/basic options.
  • More feedback while searching.

(see this post)

  • visual fixes for friendlist.
  • Russian labels corrected.


  • Fix importing accounts (using link in transfer emails)

  • automatch-advanced: added a line to make clear max/min ratings are relative


Version 1.2.7

  • resigning with >1 human opponent automated unrated continuation with a bot replacement; the original game is lost by the resigning player with a small additional rating penalty; both other players won
  • resigning with 1 human opponent no automated continuation, but the non-resigning player gets a button to play on versus a bot on the end-of-game screen.
  • Scheme 2 fixes (it sometimes broke undo, and crashed when you played more schemes then you had actions in play with KC / procession)
  • fixed pilesizes of basic money/victory in 5 & 6 player games
  • fix: giant revealing nothing now hands out curse
  • reconnect-to-meta -> the intention is to fix the problem of "not getting the end of game screen"
  • russian card text fixes


Version 1.2.8

Most of the changes are invisible for common users.

  • accounts now have a status in the database, which may imply they're banned
      (earlier I just scrambled their password)
    banned accounts can't log in and will be removed from the leaderboard on its next update
  • all language-specific code is now in a git submodule, and translators have direct write access to it.
  • card fix: gaining an inn / sprawling castle when it's not your turn
  • this release now tracks the IP adress of every login (sniff) and stores it into the database, so a future release will also be able to ban IPs, not just accounts
  • the way email addresses are stored changed. Unfortunately I'm not sure if this will fix problems people had confirming email, because I never had a reproducable bug

The font of the card names looked weird in 1.2.8


Version 1.2.9

  • Added Japanese. Many, many thanks to Majiponi for doing all the hard work.
  • fix: Library, there was a weird bug in the interaction with Archive/Gear/Haven/Save
  • fix: Coin of the Realm, was bugged when played twice with Counterfeit/Crown
  • fix: default cleanup order with both Herbalist and Alchemists
  • improvements to reconnect



  • fix: bug where spectators sometimes would be automatically reconnected.
  • fix: leaving a table as a spectator didn't always remove you from the table
  • fix: friend list only lists players that are connected
  • attempt to fix: "player unknown" messages (this one was hard to reproduce so also not sure on the fix)