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Version 1.3.11
"Game already starting" should be dealt with now; unfortunately I'm not 100% sure on it but the next week will have to
show this.

Apart from that there should be no functional differences. The work we're currently doing on invites/creating tables/matching is on another branch.


New version 1.3.12

Live on on 13th of February, 2018.

* Reveal window: hover on a card part now brings it to the front (thanks Ingix)
* Many translation fixes in the new TChinese, multiple other translations fixes (thanks translators)
* Some bugs fixes, for example the non-clickable autoplay settings radio buttons.
* Some small layout changes.
* Some conditional CSS text styling for Japanese and TChinese.

In the reveal window it was sometimes hard to choose correctly when many cards were revealed at once. You can now hover on the visible part of the card and it will become completely visible.

With a new language, traditional Chinese, some corrections and additions in the next release where to be expected. Here they are.

Happy gaming to you all :-)



Three problems introduced in 1.3.12 are now fixed:

  • In some (most) browsers card texts in your opponents hand/discard were blanked out
  • Surface devices stopped registering clicks (in some cases)
  • The Japanese log sometimes contained the text [Object object]

Also fixed: the 'upgrade to nocturne' option in the store didn't work when you were close to running out of your current subscription (< 1 month). In the new version it will suggest you extend your subscription to 30 days from now.


Version 1.3.13

This version contains the Kingdom Viewer, as originally developed by IceHawk78 in his "King's Courtier" Chrome plugin.

This feature is designed to help those of us who sometimes forget card text on non-kingdom cards or don't remember exactly what card is the bottom half of a split pile. It also allows you to read through all the Boons, Hexes and/or States that are in use.

On the top right where it used to say "trash | undo | resign" you'll now find a 4th button "Kingdom". I suggest you just click it and see what happens. You can go back to the regular view by clicking "Play Area".

Many thanks to Icehawk for building this and to Ingix for the finishing touch.


Version 1.3.14

small fix to get sounds back in Chrome.


Version 1.3.15

  • Store now also offers 2-months option, convenient for players that want to sign up to the tournament.
  • Kingdom creator now has an option for 'a random card from a specific expansion'
    This is useful if you want to play with e.g. 5 cards from Intrigue and 5 cards from Seaside but don't want to specify which ones yourself.
  • Fix for grayed out subscriptions that ran out.
  • Some minor card bug fixes.

This release is quite small, despite being a long time after the previous release. Currently most work is done on the renaissance branch, which will go live with the online previews of Dominion:Renaissance in the last week of this month.



  • bugfix: Undo with Den of Sin, Horse Traders or Arena in the game would result in a blanked out game log
  • bugfix: the 'random card from expansion X' wasn't translated (was always in English)


Version 1.4.0 (aka previews-1)


  • This week we're doing previews of the latest expansion, Dominion:Renaissance. We will add some additional cards every day. The previews are free to play for everyone; you can't buy Renaissance yet. The full set will be available in the store simultaneous with the release of the physical card game, currently expected mid October.
  • The easiest way is to go the matching tab and press the "Renaissance Previews" button for a 2 player preview game against a random human opponent. If you want to play against Lord Rat, choose the "Preview vs. Bot" button (down in the "Bot game" pane).
  • more options: Select the "Advanced options" checkbox at the lower end of the "Automatch" pane. Now in addition to all the usual options you can check the "Renaissance Previews" checkbox to be placed in the preview queue. This way you can for example wait for a 3-player game to form, or use your preferred rating requirements.

Game updates: This is a summary. For a full description, click here.

  • Bigger status bar (center of screen) with Coffers mat and debt shown
  • Player info bar (with a player's name and VP count) shows reminders (states, Haunted Woods effect,...) and omits counters that currently are zero.
  • The log will now always show variable amount of +Actions, +Buys, +Coins (for example +Coins from Steward or Bank, and +Buys from Squire). There also is an option that allows you to log all +Actions, +Buys and +Coins. If you're an experienced player you probably want to turn it off.
  • Right-clicking a card now will also show you cards that are associated with it, like the Prizes for Tournament or Exorcist for a Ghost.
  • Durations that go away this turn do not 'mix' in a stack with Durations that stay in play.
  • It's now possible to find out what cards are under your Archives, Crypts etc (hover over the card or a player name).
  • The Autoplay Treasure button is improved.
         - Autoplaying Silvers (with Sauna) implies you don't want to trash. (If you do, play your Silvers manually).
         - It will no longer play Treasures that have your +Card token on them (from Pathfinding)
         - undoing this action no longer requires your opponent's approval.
  • Certain card selections from many cards (say discard pile or trash) now stack the same cards together, so it is easier to find the one you want.


Version (aka previews-2)

This version previews Acting Troupe, Sculptor & Recruiter.
In a preview game today you will get one of those, plus two from yesterdays previews.

These cards introduce the concept of Villagers. The number of Villagers you have will be displayed in your personal info box, and also right next to your Actions counter when it's your turn. The easiest way to use Villagers is to just click on the Action cards in your hand. To warn you that you will be using a Villager the "0 Actions" will be in red, and the border around your cards will be blue (instead of green). This will be sufficient in >99% of the games. More about that here.


Version (aka previews-3)

Adding three cards again today: Villain, Ducat, Silk Merchant.
In a preview game today you will get one of the new cards, plus two cards previewed earlier this week.

There were some problems releasing the new client of this version. Some people that tried to play minutes after the release got a bad version of the client in their browser cache. If it doesn't work for you now, please try clearing your cache.


Version (aka previews-4)

Today also brings three new cards: Flag Bearer, Swashbuckler & Treasurer. If you click that link, you can read Donalds description of the Artifacts that come along with them.

In a preview game today you will get one of the new cards, plus two cards previewed earlier this week.


Version (aka previews-5)

Today we preview six of the projects: Fair, Silos, Citadel, Star Chart, Sewers, Innovation.

Every preview game will have two Projects at random, and 3 regular kingdom cards from earlier this week.

The Sewers interface is still a bit clumsy (Especially is Sewers is the only thing triggering to a trash it could be much cleaner). The bots don't buy projects yet, that also will be improved before the actual release.


Version (aka previews-5)
(The server is new but the client is the same as yesterday)

The previews will stay up for approximately 48 more hours, although there will not be any new cards previewed.

A preview game during that period will have...
* 3 cards from Monday-Thursday
* either 1 or 2 projects from Friday.

The reasoning here is that this leaves some room in the kingdom for an Event or a Landmark.

There was a recently introduced bug that wouldn't let you undo cards that let you select multiple cards in your own hand (Chapel, Militia, Forge, ...). It didn't always happen (only against a human opponent, only for single-step-undo) but now it's fixed.



Nothing new, just the preview queue disabled.



* Fixed a problem with the automatch queue, where you could be "searching for nothing"
Now it's forced again that you either search for rated games or practice games (or both).

* right-clicking in familiar cards was broken sometimes